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81. Supercomputing '94 supercomputing 94. Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and ACM SIGARCH. Advance Program Advance Information Flyer Tourist Information http://sc94.ameslab.gov/ | |
82. Supercomputing For The Birds : Nature News Aug 11, 2010 By performing intensive data analysis using the supercomputer network, Kelling and his colleagues hope to turn the scattered observations of http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100811/full/466807a.html?s=news_rss |
83. Supercomputing Institute Scientific Visualization And Graphics Provides tutorials demonstrating how to use some of the wide variety of tools available at the supercomputing Institute. http://www.msi.umn.edu/user_support/scivis/ |
84. SC10 Tweets Here (SuperComputing) On Twitter The Official Twitter page for the SC10 conference, November 2010 in New Orleans. http://twitter.com/supercomputing | |
85. InsideHPC.com | HPC News For Supercomputing Professionals Oct 29, 2010 Infographic Depicts History of Top Supercomputers . We recently posted about the Rocky Mountain supercomputing Center giving away two http://insidehpc.com/ | |
86. Supercomputing And Parallel Computing Conferences And Journals Jan 13, 2004 Call for papers and programs for conferences and journals in the field of supercomputing and parallel computing. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/conferences.html | |
87. MCSR Providing supercomputing resources to students, faculty, and staff at eight institutions of higher learning in Mississippi. http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/ |
88. Supercomputing On A Cell Phone Sep 7, 2010 Many engineering disciplines rely on supercomputers to simulate complicated physical phenomena — how cracks form in building materials, http://www.physorg.com/news203061169.html | |
89. Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) Homepage Jülich supercomputing Centre provides supercomputer resources, IT tools, methods and knowhow for the Research Centre Jülich and for European users through http://www.fz-juelich.de/jsc/en | |
90. Bioinformatics Centre In India This facility at the Indian Institute of Technology aims to establish a nodal facility for supercomputing and develop novel scientific methods and new software for genome analysis. http://www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/scfbiogroup/bioinformaticsindia.htm | |
91. SCD Supercomputer Gallery History of supercomputing and data storage at NCAR, 1963–present (PDF) SCD supercomputers, past and present (grouped by vendor) http://www.cisl.ucar.edu/computers/gallery/ | |
92. The SC Conference Series The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications. Information about current conference and publications of previous http://www.sc-conference.org/ | |
93. SRC Computers -- High Performance Reconfigurable Computing Systems SRC sells scalable and reconfigurable supercomputers. http://www.srccomp.com/ | |
94. PsiTech, Inc. Designs and manufactures capture, storage, and display systems for supercomputers. http://www.psitech.com/ |
95. :: Pioneer Technology Services, Inc :: - Home Consulting service with a farm of supercomputers for clients to use. http://www.pioneertechnology.com/ |
96. Cray Faq Home Page A set of questions and answers on topics such as Cray Supercomputer families and buying secondhand machines. Includes technical documents and anecdotes. http://www.spikynorman.dsl.pipex.com/CrayWWWStuff/index.html | |
97. Cray Inc., The Supercomputer Company Cray Inc., The Supercomputer Company Providing innovative high performance computing (HPC) platforms that enable scientists and engineers in academia, http://www.cray.com/ |
98. LRZ: National Supercomputer HLRB-II: SGI Altix 4700 Informationen vom Leibniz-Rechenzentrum Garching ber den Supercomputer HLRB II und dessen Einsatzbereiche. http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/compute/hlrb/ | |
99. San Diego Supercomputer Center Provides cyberinfrastructure resources to scientists who require massive compute and datahandling capabilities to conduct their research. http://www.sdsc.edu/ | |
100. Supercomputers - The History Of Computing Project We ve all heard of supercomputers. But when you think of a supercomputer, you usually think of HAL2000 and other science fiction stuff. Right? http://www.thocp.net/hardware/supercomputers.htm | |
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