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101. SGI - HPC, Servers, Storage, Data Center Solutions, Cloud Computing Manufacturer of mainframes, supercomputers, and high powered workstations. Product information, support, and image galleries of 3D images produced with SGI workstations. http://www.sgi.com/ | |
102. Star Bridge Systems, Inc Manufactures reconfigurable supercomputers made from field programmable gate arrays. Product and contact information. http://www.starbridgesystems.com/ | |
103. Texas Advanced Computing Center: Texas Advanced Computing Center Provides computing resources to enhance research development capabilities. http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/ | |
104. The Coalition For Academic Scientific Computation Links to member institutions and published papers. http://www.casc.org/ |
105. HPC Wire: Global News And Information On High Performance Computing (HPC) News portal covering the high performance computing industry. Includes whitepapers, blogs, conference listings and job search. http://www.hpcwire.com/ |
106. Live20101028 Monthly newsletter about European high performance computing developments. Back issues available. http://enterthegrid.com/primeur/10/articles/ | |
107. Epoka Group A/S Reseller of used high performance computers from a variety of manufacturers. http://www.epoka.com/ | |
108. Linux Labs High Performance Computing Integrator of second generation open source Linux-based clusters. http://www.linuxlabs.com/ | |
109. GraphStream: Advanced Scalable GPU-accelerated Computing Systems Supplier visualization and high-performance computing systems. Based in Belmont, California. http://www.graphstream.com/ | |
110. Untitled Offering Linux clusters for the scientific, biomedical and geophysical industry. http://www.vcompute.com/ | |
111. A Seymour Cray Perspective Slides from a technical presentation given by Gordon Bell of Microsoft Research. http://research.microsoft.com/users/gbell/craytalk/ | |
112. A $1000 Supercomputer? - PCWorld PC World News, chronicles Hal being sold. http://www.pcworld.com/article/11336/a_1000_supercomputer.html | |
113. China's Leap In Supercomputer Rankings - BusinessWeek Oct 5, 2010 In merely a decade, China has become the world s thirdgreatest power in high- performance computing. Will it soon boast the fastest computer http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/oct2010/tc2010104_720766.htm |
114. T-Systems SfR HpcPortal Zugriff auf CAE-Anwendungen auf Gro rechnern f r registrierte Benutzer. http://www.hpcportal.de/ | |
115. What Is Supercomputer? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer Dictionar This page describes the term supercomputer and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/supercomputer.html | |
116. TeraGrid National Science Foundation s effort to build and deploy the world s largest distributed infrastructure for open scientific research. Information about partners and funding. http://www.teragrid.org/ | |
117. Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC) | Information Systems Program Facility provides computing support and technology to the scientists of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and extramural biomedical researchers. http://www.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/ |
118. Advanced Simulation & Computing (ASC) At The NNSA (National Nuclear Security Adm A United States government initiative to develop simulation capabilities suitable for weapons testing. Program details and links to university partners. http://www.sandia.gov/NNSA/ASC/ | |
119. Cray User Group Home Page An independent, international consortium of organizations that own or use Cray or SGI computer systems. Includes membership details, announcements, conference details, and working group information. http://www.cug.org/ | |
120. ExCray.com - Cray Research Alumni Resource for alumni of Cray Research. Includes a database of members, free e-mail addresses, news, and a bulletin board. http://www.excray.com/ | |
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