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  1. UNIX: The Complete Reference, Second Edition (Complete Reference Series) by Kenneth Rosen, Douglas Host, et all 2006-12-19
  2. Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (International Student Edition) by W. Richard Stevens, 1998
  3. Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide by Sumitabha Das, 2005-01-07
  4. Automating Linux and Unix System Administration, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Linux) by Kirk Bauer, Nathan Campi, 2008-12-15
  5. UNIX Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads by Kay A. Robbins, Steve Robbins, 2003-06-27
  6. Beginning Unix (Programmer to Programmer) by Paul Love, Joe Merlino, et all 2005-04-29
  7. UNIX and Linux Forensic Analysis DVD Toolkit by Chris Pogue, Cory Altheide, et all 2008-06-30
  8. DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Advanced Database Administration Certification: Certification Study Guide by Roger E. Sanders, Dwaine R Snow, 2008-11-03
  9. UNIX for Programmers and Users (3rd Edition) by Graham Glass, King Ables, 2003-02-16
  10. Practical Unix and Internet Security, 2nd Edition by Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford, 1996-03-31
  11. The UNIX Hater's Handbook by Daniel Weise, Simson Garfinkel, et all 1994-06
  12. Understanding UNIX/LINUXProgramming: A Guide to Theory and Practice by Bruce Molay, 2002-12-05
  13. Complete Idiot's Guide to UNIX (The Complete Idiot's Guide) by Bill Wagner, 1998-10-01
  14. Unix for Dummies Quick Reference by Margaret Levine Young, John R. Levine, 1998-01-12

41. Geschichte Von Unix – Wikipedia
Die historische Entwicklung von unix auf WikiPwdia
Geschichte von Unix
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Grobe Übersicht über die Entwicklung und Abstammung der größten Unix-Derivate Die Geschichte von Unix nahm ihren Anfang im Jahr 1965, als im Rahmen der „Fall Joint Computer Conference“ einige Aufsätze über ein neu zu erstellendes Betriebssystem namens „ Multics “ veröffentlicht wurden. Später wurde aus Multics das Betriebssystem Unix , was daraufhin in zahllosen Derivaten weiter entwickelt wurde.

42. Huvudsida -
Nyheter och artiklar om allt unix-relaterat s som Linux och BSD.
Fr�n, den fria unixresursen.
V�lkommen till! H�r finner du information om allt m�jligt Unix-relaterat. Det finns f�r tillf�llet sidor som alla kan l�sa och redigera. Det �r ocks� m�jligt f�r vem som helst att skapa en ny sida. N�stan allt inneh�ll �r publicerat under licensen Creative Commons Attribution . Du kan hj�lpa till genom att skriva om n�got du kan, antingen genom ett skapa en ny sida eller f�rb�ttra en befintlig. Du kan ocks� korrekturl�sa, snygga till sidor och �vers�tta fr�n n�gon resurs med material som �r public domain eller under samma licens. Ett konto ger dig en m�ngd f�rdelar , men �r inget krav f�r deltagande. Se senaste �ndringarna och nya sidor f�r att se vad andra skrivit om nyligen.
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43. Unix Jobs: IT Jobs | Resumes Board, Find Unix Employment, Free Resume Post, Job
unix IT Jobs Resumes Board unix job board and online resume bank, Search jobs, post resumes for professional unix employment careers
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44. UNH Information Technology - NIS Landing Page
Documentation for VMS users moving to unix operating systems.

45. The SCO Group, Inc. | Highly Reliable Platforms For "always On" Business Systems
unix Virtualization Solutions. Learn More About SCO s Virtualization Products SCO unix Solutions. SCO Delivers OpenServer 5.0.7V for Microsoft HyperV

46. Unix Definition Of Unix In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
unix. Operating system for digital computers, developed by Ken Thompson of Bell Laboratories in 1969. It was initially designed for a single user (the name was a pun on the

47. VMS -> UNIX Commands
Includes list of VMS commands and their unix equivalents.

48. What Is Unix? - Knowledge Base
May 13, 2009 unix is a powerful, multiuser environment that has been implemented on a variety of platforms. Once the domain of servers and advanced
@import url("iukb/kblayout.css"); @import url("iukb/kbprint.css"); /* Style for specific inline images */ /* Style for specific ordered lists */ /* Style for specific table cells */ Skip to content Search: Knowledge Base IU
Include archived documents Search results per page Login Login is for authorized groups (e.g., UITS, OVPIT, and TCC) that need access to specialized Knowledge Base documents. Otherwise, simply use the Knowledge Base without logging in. Username: Password: Close Text size:
What is Unix?
Unix is a powerful, multi-user environment that has been implemented on a variety of platforms. Once the domain of servers and advanced users, it has become accessible to novices as well through the popularity of Linux and Mac OS X. With the notable exception of Microsoft Windows, all current major operating systems have some kind of Unix at their cores. Unix was developed at Bell Labs in 1969, but in the past three decades many others have contributed to its evolution. In reality, Unix is not so much a single operating system as it is a standard upon which organizations and companies base their own systems. Examples of Unix implementations include Mac OS X/Darwin (Apple), GNU/Linux, AIX (IBM), Solaris (Sun), IRIX (SGI), and FreeBSD. They have different graphical interfaces, but from the Unix shell, a command line feature common to all versions, they are very similar. Most of the UITS shared central systems at Indiana University are Unix servers and workstations, including Big Red (research; no email) and Quarry (general use, research; no email).

49. What Is Unix? - Definition From
unix is an operating system that originated at Bell Labs in 1969 as an interactive timesharing system.

50. Linux And Unix Software And Consulting Service
Parkridge specializes in customized solutions, system administration, systems integration and network security for unix systems. Developers of unix system administration utility products. As a consequence of supporting unix systems for many years we have developed utilities that not only save time but also improve the functionality of unix/Linux systems.
Free Stuff
Reference Guide

LogScan 30 day trial

AcctAge 30 day trial
IT Consulting for Unix and Linux Systems
PCS is an Unix and Linux IT consulting group, providing support and custom solutions to businesses in Southern Ontario, Canada. With over 15 years IT Unix and network experience, we can support your systems in migrating to Unix/Linux, connect unlike systems or develop applications to do tasks done by hand. Contact us today to arrange a no obligation meeting to discuss your needs.
As a consequence of supporting Unix systems for many years we have developed utilities that not only save time but also improve the functionality of Unix/Linux systems. Experience how much time you will save using AcctAge or LogScan before paying for it. Download your free 30 day evaluation available today!
Do You Want to Minimize Unauthorized Access to your System?
AcctAge is an Unix and Linux system administration utility that ages user accounts allowing the administrator to easily detect, monitor, review and remove dormant accounts.

51. Unix
Much of unix s history is rooted in opensource software. The unix version of Mozilla is an exciting, open source project that encourages all developers to
Looking For Search
Much of Unix's history is rooted in open-source software. The Unix version of Mozilla is an exciting, open source project that encourages all developers to help build the better browser. Mozilla has a cross-platform (XP) architecture using the Gecko layout engine and XPToolkit , and the primary UI is implemented with GTK+
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    52. The Art Of Unix Programming
    PDF and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe, Inc. unix is a trademark of The Open Group. . Best Practices for Writing unix Documentation
    The Art of Unix Programming Next
    The Art of Unix Programming
    Eric Steven Raymond
    Thyrsus Enterprises This book and its on-line version are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 1.0 license, with the additional proviso that the right to publish it on paper for sale or other for-profit use is reserved to Pearson Education, Inc. A reference copy of this license may be found at The photograph of Ken and Dennis in Chapter�2 appears courtesy of Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies. The epigraph on the Portability chapter is from the Bell System Technical Journal, v57 #6 part 2 (July-Aug. 1978) pp. 2021-2048 and is reproduced with the permission of Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies. Revision History Revision 1.0 19 September 2003 esr This is the content that went to Addison-Wesley's printers. Revision 0.4 5 February 2003 esr Release for public review. Revision 0.3 22 January 2003 esr First eighteen-chapter draft. Manuscript walkthrough at Chapter 12. Limited release for early reviewers. Revision 0.2

    53. Unix
    unix /yoo niks/, n. In the authors' words, “ A weak pun on Multics ”; very early on it was “ UNICS ” (also “ unix ”) An interactive timesharing system invented
    Unix Prev U Next
    Unix /yoo�niks/ n.
    A weak pun on Multics UNICS UNIX Linux has been at the cutting edge of the open source movement. Many people consider the success of Unix the most important victory yet of hackerdom over industry opposition (but see Unix weenie and Unix conspiracy for an opposing point of view). See Version 7 BSD Linux Archetypal hackers ken (left) and dmr (right). The UNIX Time-Sharing System we had a new typesetter and troff had just been invented and we were intoxicated by being able to produce small caps. wimped out
    Prev Up Next uninteresting� Home �Unix brain damage

    54. The KBackup Homepage
    User friendly backup package for unix.
    The KBackup Homepage
    Project Page KBackup is a backup program for UNIX machines. It supports any OS supported tape drive. It can use tar or afio to create the archives. It can even compress using gzip. It supports include lists, exclude lists, and even backing up to a file. From Karsten's Home Page: Probably one of the more useful things that I have ever written is KBackup, a universal, easy to use backup package for UNIX.
    Among its many features are:
  • user friendly, menu driven interface and command line interface for inclusion in automated scripts high reliability, thanks to using long established tools like afio or tar automated unattended backups full or incremental backups support for tape drives, floppies or removable media, remote backup across networks support for compression, encryption and double buffering high portability it is a modular shell script extensive documentation
  • Some screen-shots of KBackup can be found here
    The manual is available in several formats:
    • HTML Generated by latex2html. Probably the best/easiest version.

    55. Code Style: Most Common Fonts For Linux And Unix, Font Survey Results
    This is the latest snapshot of the of the Code Style unix font survey and should give you greater confidence in selecting a font.
    Site search:
    Linux and Unix family font survey results
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    Place your text ad here. WestNIC provides reliable web hosting services Free software downloads and drivers download resources How sure can you be that the font you specify will be present on the end user's machine? This is the latest snapshot of the of the Code Style Unix font survey and should give you greater confidence in selecting a font. Subscribe to the news feed for these survey results:
    The most common Linux fonts
    The most common fonts reported on Linux systems are the serif font Century Schoolbook L at 98% frequency, followed by serif

    56. UNIX Tutorial - Introduction
    unix Introduction What is unix? unix is an operating system which was first developed in the 1960s, and has been under constant development ever since.
    UNIX Introduction
    What is UNIX?
    UNIX is an operating system which was first developed in the 1960s, and has been under constant development ever since. By operating system, we mean the suite of programs which make the computer work. It is a stable, multi-user, multi-tasking system for servers, desktops and laptops. UNIX systems also have a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to Microsoft Windows which provides an easy to use environment. However, knowledge of UNIX is required for operations which aren't covered by a graphical program, or for when there is no windows interface available, for example, in a telnet session.
    Types of UNIX
    There are many different versions of UNIX, although they share common similarities. The most popular varieties of UNIX are Sun Solaris, GNU/Linux, and MacOS X. Here in the School, we use Solaris on our servers and workstations, and Fedora Linux on the servers and desktop PCs.
    The UNIX operating system
    The UNIX operating system is made up of three parts; the kernel, the shell and the programs.
    The kernel
    The kernel of UNIX is the hub of the operating system: it allocates time and memory to programs and handles the filestore and communications in response to system calls.

    57. Init AB - Konsulttjänster Och Utbildning För Utveckling Av Avancerade Datasyst
    Utbildar och konsultar inom unix.

    58. Unix - Wikinfo
    unix (officially trademarked as unix, sometimes also written as unix with small caps) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT T employees
    From Wikinfo
    Jump to: navigation search File:Unix history-simple.en.svg Filiation of Unix and Unix-like systems Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX , sometimes also written as Unix with small caps ) is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of employees at Bell Labs , including Ken Thompson Dennis Ritchie Brian Kernighan Douglas McIlroy , and Joe Ossanna non-profit organizations. As of 2007, the owner of the trademark is The Open Group , an industry standards consortium. Only systems fully compliant with and certified according to the Single UNIX Specification are qualified to use the trademark; others are called "Unix system-like" or " Unix-like During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the influence of Unix in academic circles led to large-scale adoption of Unix (particularly of the BSD variant, originating from the University of California, Berkeley ) by commercial startups, the most notable of which are Solaris HP-UX and AIX . Today, in addition to certified Unix systems such as those already mentioned, Unix-like operating systems such as Linux and BSD are commonly encountered. The term "traditional Unix" may be used to describe a Unix or an operating system that has the characteristics of either

    59. Unix, Linux, Mac OS X Help, Tutorials And Support Pages
    Provides support and services for SCO unix.

    60. Changelog For Opera 9.0 Technology Preview 1 For UNIX
    Oct 20, 2005 unix specific fixes. Improved handling of Verdana font on Linux. A version for x86 Solaris is now available. A native version for FreeBSD 5

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