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81. Windows Live Gallery Get custom content for windows Live and windows Vista, including Sidebar, search, Messenger, and more. http://gallery.live.com/ |
82. Dia Draws Your Structured Diagrams: Free Windows, Mac OS X And Linux Version Of Dia is free (open source) drawing software. Sketch your favorite structured diagrams! windows version available as a free download. http://dia-installer.de/ | |
83. Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows This article lists keyboard shortcuts that you can use with windows. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449 |
84. Managing Windows With The Taskbar In Windows XP Manage windows for greater productivity. Tile specific windows side by side, handle groups, and control how windows are grouped. Great for writing and using references. http://webspeedreader.com/Tutorials/Software/Windows-XP/Managing-Windows-with-Ta | |
85. Download Spotify For Windows You need a PC running windows XP/Vista/7, as well as a broadband Internet Please click the Download button below to download Spotify for windows. http://spotify.com/download/windows/ | |
86. Windows, Entrance & Patio Doors Custom Crafted For Quality, Value & Performance Kolbe offers artisan quality windows and doors that are energy efficient and meet today's green build needs. We offer many aesthetic and accessible design options, as well as http://www.kolbe-kolbe.com/ | |
87. SoftProfile Products & Download windows 95/98/NT system-tray utility that allows you to set a window to be always on top of other windows, hide windows, automatically adjust windows, and easily find windows and desktop items. http://www.softprofile.com/products/index.htm | |
88. Free Antivirus For Windows - Open Source GPL Virus Scanner Looking for free Open Source Antivirus for windows? Download ClamWin Free Antivirus and get free virus scanning and free virus definition updates. http://www.clamwin.com/ | |
89. Adobe - Adobe Reader For Windows Home; Downloads; Downloads Adobe Reader for windows. By downloading software from the Adobe Web site you agree to the terms of our license agreement. http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=10&platform=Windo |
90. Understanding The Registry Although it uses English, the windows Registry looks like ancient Greek. Includes a basic understanding of the windows 95 and windows 98 Registry. http://www.windowsgalore.com/windows.95/registry_edit.html | |
91. Arduino - Windows Plug in your board and wait for windows to begin it s driver installation process. After a few moments, the process will fail, despite its best efforts http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows |
92. Audacity: Windows windows Beta version System Requirements Download. Audacity 1.3 Beta is our new, not quite finished, development version which will be the basis of our next stable version. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/beta_windows |
93. Windows XP Home - Toolbox For IT Groups Discussion of issues that arise during the implementation, configuration, administration or daily use of Microsoft windows XP Home edition. http://windows.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/windows-xp-home-l/ |
94. Windows CMD Commands windows Command line, an AZ reference with syntax and examples of each command. http://ss64.com/nt/ | |
95. NNTP And AllNews Overview True Multi-Server NNTP (Usenet) newsreader for windows 3.x, windows 95, windows 98, and windows NT. Supports SOCKS proxies and decodes yEnc attachments. http://members.tripod.com/~MikeRead/allnews.htm |
96. Growl For Windows Growl for windows is developed completely with the end user in mind. If you have any questions, Leave feedback in the Growl for windows Google Group http://growlforwindows.com/ |
97. Windows 7 - Transformez Votre PC Le site officiel offre une visite windows 7, t l chargement, questions-r ponses, ressources. http://www.microsoft.com/france/windows/windows-7/default.aspx | |
98. Top 9 Windows RSS Feed Readers And News Aggregators - About Email RSS feeds are a spamfree, quick and efficient way to read news and weblogs. To get the most out of newsfeeds, you need a powerful aggregator, though, http://email.about.com/od/rssreaderswin/tp/top_rss_windows.htm |
99. Microsoft Windows Update windows Update uses ActiveX Controls and active scripting to display content correctly and to determine which updates apply to your computer. Tell me about active scripting and http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp | |
100. Aide Vista Aide et tutoriels concernant le d pannage du systeme windows Vista. Vous y trouverez des astuces et des solutions ainsi que la reconnaissance vocale windows Vista. http://www.pcloisirs.eu/aide_windows_vista.htm | |
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