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         Xml:     more books (100)
  1. XML All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies by Richard Wagner, Richard Mansfield, 2003-06-27
  2. Processing XML with Java(TM): A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX by Elliotte Rusty Harold, 2002-11-15
  3. XML Schema: The W3C's Object-Oriented Descriptions for XML by Eric van der Vlist, 2002-06-15
  4. Perl and XML by Erik T. Ray, Jason McIntosh, 2002-04-25
  5. Beginning XML Databases (Wrox Beginning Guides) by Gavin Powell, 2006-11-13
  6. Pro XML Development with Java Technology by Ajay Vohra, Deepak Vohra, 2006-09-07
  7. Java & XML for Dummies by Barry Burd, 2002-06-15
  8. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET: Developing ... Basic(r) .Net and Microsoft Visual C#(tm) .N by Microsoft Corporation, 2003-01-15
  9. Pro SQL Server 2008 XML by Michael Coles, 2008-05-16
  10. XML Problem Design Solution (Programmer to Programmer) by Mitch Amiano, Conrad D'Cruz, et all 2006-06-13
  11. Java and XML by Brett McLaughlin, Justin Edelson, 2006-12-08
  12. Excel 2007 VBA Programming with XML and ASP by Julitta Korol, 2008-12-31
  13. XML Programming Bible by Brian Benz, John Durant, et all 2003-09-26
  14. XML: A Beginner's Guide: Go Beyond the Basics with Ajax, XHTML, XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0 and XQuery by Steven Holzner, 2008-12-17

21. XML Editor
oXygen xml Editor is a cross platform xml Editor providing tools for xml authoring, xml conversion, XSL, XSLT, XQuery, xml Schema, DTD, Relax NG and Schematron
xml editor
  • Products
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    • Home Features XML Editor XML Author ... Feature Matrix Supported platforms
      Mac OS X
      Linux/Unix Ready for data server software
      the best XML editor available work with all XML-based technologies including XML databases, XProc pipelines, and web services. visual editing mode the ideal XML authoring solution cross-platform application available on all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) and can be used either standalone or as an Eclipse plugin. Key features
      XML IDE
      Different perspectives: XML Editor XSLT Debugger XQuery Debugger XML Databases ... XML Tree Viewer/Editor. Manage and share transformation scenarios together with the project project Batch validation and batch transformations. Multi-line find and replace support allows regular expressions, is XML aware and can handle multiple files.
      Intelligent XML editing
      The best content completion support offering XML elements, attributes, values (handling ID references, enumerations and list values). Edit with ease XML documents consisting of repetitive patterns using the spreadsheet-like XML Grid Editor Schema annotations/DTD comments presented next to the content completion proposals.

22. XML Definition Of XML In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
xml in full Extensible Markup Language. Markup language developed to be a simplified and more structural version of SGML. It incorporates features of HTML (e.g., hypertext linking

23. Perl XML FAQ
By Jonathan Eisenzopf. Information on using and manipulating xml with Perl.
[This local archive copy is from the official and canonical URL, ; please refer to the canonical source document if possible.]
Version 1.1
by Jonathan Eisenzopf
Thanks to Clark Cooper, Matthew Sergeant, Enno Derksen, Ken MacLeod, Rob Cameron, and Asakura Hiroshi for their contributions to this FAQ.
This FAQ contains information related to using and manipulating XML with Perl. Please direct all corrections and additions to . This FAQ can be found on the Web at . Asakura Hiroshi has created a Japanese translation of this FAQ which is available at . Information in this FAQ is primarily based on discussions and information transmitted to the Perl XML email list. To join, send an email to with the message: SUBSCRIBE Perl-XML This FAQ was generated using a small Perl script and an XML file. The script can be slurped from

24. XML Overview | Adobe Developer Connection
Whether your team contracted a project that requires the use of xml or you simply want to play with the technology, this article introduces you to the basics of xml.
Adobe Products Industries Learning ... Adobe Store for home and home office Education Store for students, educators, and staff Business Store for small and medium businesses Other ways to buy Search Search Info Sign in Welcome, My cart My shipments ... Sign out Why sign in? Sign in to manage your account and access trial downloads, product extensions, community areas, and more. Adobe Developer Connection Dreamweaver Developer Center
XML Overview
by Marius Zaharia
Aug 8, 2005
Prerequisite knowledge
You are not required to have previous knowledge of XML or XSL. This article is intended to introduce you to XML and the fundamentals of XML-based application development.
I recommend that you have previous knowledge of HTML, WWW, and building web pages.

25. XML : Java Glossary
Canadian Mind Products Java Internet Glossary xml The Basics xml is the E x tensible M arkup L anguage, a W3C proposed recommendation.
XML : Java Glossary
punctuation A B C ... all Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products
The primary function of XML is to consume RAM and datacommunication bandwidth. Presumably it was promoted to its current frenzy by companies who sell either RAM or bandwidth. Others promoting it have patents they hope to spring on the public once it is entrenched. XML is the biggest con game going in computers. You probably guessed, I am known for my rabid dislike of XML. The Basics Schema Encoding Awkward Characters and Entity References ... Links
The Basics
XML is the E x tensible M arkup L anguage , a W3C proposed recommendation. Like HTML, XML is based on SGML, an International Standard (ISO 8879) for creating markup languages. However, while HTML is a single SGML document type, with a fixed set of element type names (aka tag names html body ol , etc.). For example, in XML, you Fields that there can be only zero or one of are usually specified as attributes e.g. unit "box" . Fields that there can be many of are enclosed in tags e.g. e.g. Just like HTML, comments begin with

26. The XML FAQ
FAQs maintained by Peter Flynn, part of the W3C s xml special interest group.
Frequently-Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language
Search: All Any MindMap: Cite this FAQ Send by email RSS feed: ... RSS
Edited by Peter Flynn
Version 4.58 (27 February 2010)
Silmaril Consultants
Rev: 2010-04-24T15:52:33+0100
Related s


Welcome to the XML FAQ
This is the list of Frequently-Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language (XML). It has answers to most of the common questions people ask about XML. If you are seeking answers to questions about related areas such as HTML, SGML, CGI scripts, PHP, JSP, Java, databases, or penguins, you may find some pointers, but you should probably look elsewhere as well. The FAQ is intended as a first resource for users, authors, developers, and the interested reader. Details of its organisation, contributors, availability, translations, and revisions are in the Admin section. Updates to the FAQ are notified to the mailing lists and newsgroups listed in question A.12, ‘Where can I discuss implementation and development of XML?’

27. A Technical Introduction To XML
What is xml? This introduction to xml is geared towards a reader with some HTML or SGML experience, although that experience is not absolutely necessary. This article is an update
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A Technical Introduction to XML
by Norman Walsh October 03, 1998
Author's Note: It is somewhat remarkable to think that this article, which appeared initially in the Winter 1997 edition of the World Wide Web Journal was out of date by the time the final XML Recommendation was approved in February. And even as this update brings the article back into line with the final spec, a new series of recommendations are under development. When finished, these will bring namespaces, linking, schemas, stylesheets, and more to the table. This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more about structured documents. In addition to covering the XML 1.0 Specification, this article outlines related XML specifications, which are evolving. The article is organized in four main sections plus an appendix. Related Reading XML in a Nutshell
By Elliotte Rusty�Harold W. Scott�Means

28. XML Editor
Stylus Studio xml editor includes many xml editing utilities and features to simplify xml development, including intuitive xml editing views, integrated xml validation and

29. XML Files - XML Basics - Introduction To XML Use, Syntax And Validation
Need an introduction to xml? Learn what xml is all about and discover how xml differs from HTML. Explore xml syntax rules, learn how to write wellformed

30. カテゴリ» XML « @ 634
xml XPath XSLT xml Schema

31. XML Tutorial: Overview
xml tutorial The xml Revolution Technologies for the future Web
NOTE: These slides have not been updated since 2003. They have been superseded by the book An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies Addison-Wesley, and the accompanying online material. Please see for more information. Anders M�ller and Michael Schwartzbach, February 2006
  • HTML and XML - structuring information for the future (24 pp.)
  • Namespaces, XInclude, and XML Base - common extensions to the XML specification (9 pp.)
  • DTD, XML Schema, and DSD - defining language syntax with schemas (28 pp.)
  • XLink, XPointer, and XPath - linking and addressing (26 pp.)
  • XSL and XSLT - stylesheets and document transformation (21 pp.)
  • XQuery - document querying (19 pp.)
  • DOM, SAX, and JDOM - programming for XML (17 pp.)
  • - some background on the World Wide Web Consortium (5 pp.) See also the tutorial Interactive Web Services with Java covering Web programming with Java, JSP, Servlets, JWIG, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI.
  • 32. XML2COBOL; COBOL2XML - Free Software!
    xml Thunder is a visual xml designer and code generator specifically designed for creating xml data handling program code. Using xml Thunder, developers can easily create xml

    33. IBM DeveloperWorks : XML Tutorials, Code, And Forums
    Oct 26, 2010 The xml section on the developerWorks Web site is your resource for xmlrelated tools, samples, standards information, education, news and

    34. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)
    When this revision is available, it is the intent of the xml Core WG to use it to replace language similar to the above in any future revisions of xmlrelated specifications
    Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)
    W3C Recommendation 26 November 2008
    This version:
    Latest version:
    Previous versions:
    Jean Paoli, Microsoft C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, W3C Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems, Inc. François Yergeau
    Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections. The previous errata for this document, are also available. See also translations This document is also available in these non-normative formats: XML and  XHTML with color-coded revision indicators MIT ERCIM Keio ... trademark and document use rules apply.
    The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a subset of SGML that is completely described in this document. Its goal is to enable generic SGML to be served, received, and processed on the Web in the way that is now possible with HTML. XML has been designed for ease of implementation and for interoperability with both SGML and HTML.
    Status of this Document
    This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the

    35. XML Definition From PC Magazine Encyclopedia
    The Sony VAIO VPCEB33FM/BJ is loaded with features, including some that you'd never expect to find on a budget laptop, and it offers category-leading performance.,2542,t=XML&i=55048,00.asp

    36. OSS Nokalva - OSS XSD Tools
    Binds XSD schemas to C/C++ representations; produces xml and binary encodings based on X.694; and validates XSD schemas and xml instances
    OSS XSD Tools for C/C++
    Fast, Compact XML with a Single Tool Take advantage of the merging of two complementary technologies - XML and ASN.1. Extend the reach of your XSD based data. Encode XML messages into highly compact binary encodings and send them down the line for lossless decoding. The OSS XSD Tools for C/C++, with standardized binary encoding support, allow you to do just that, by providing runtime functions to quickly encode/decode XML data to/from very compact ASN.1 binary encodings. A Single Tool Binary encodings from an XSD specification? Our single tool does it all! The OSS XSD Tools bind your XSD Schema to C/C++ representations. Runtime libraries provide fast encoding of values of these representations into highly compact binary or XML encodings. Using standard, proven, binary encoding rules we can achieve better speeds and size of compaction than commonly used compression algorithms. Decoders provide validation of incoming XML documents, and fast transformation of those documents to values of the C/C++ representations. The OSS XSD Tools for C/C++ adhere to the W3C XML Schema and ITU-T X.694 standards. For more information, contact us at 1-888-OSS-2761 (USA and Canada only), +1-732-302-0750 (international), or

    37. The Annotated XML Specification
    Tim Bray, one of the authors of the xml specification, presents this annotated version to make the complicated jargon slightly easier to understand.
    The Annotated XML 1.0 Specification requires a frames-capable browser. Return to the home page.

    38. XML Schema Tools
    Tools for visual xml schema editing, conversion, validation, schema documentation generation and xml schema mapping.
    Contact Us PRODUCTS TRY BUY ... COMPANY Cart

    39. XML Mapping
    Altova MapForce is a graphical data mapping tool that helps you map xml data between other xml Schemas, databases, EDI, flat files, and Web services.

    40. XML Specifications
    There are many different rules to xml. Learn how to use them and the exact specifications, including namespaces, the DOM, and more.
    zWASL=1 zGL='0';zGR='ca-about-radlink'; zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
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  • There are many different rules to XML. Learn how to use them and the exact specifications, including namespaces, the DOM, and more.
  • DocBook (4) DOM @ OWL (2) RDDL (3) ...
  • CDF
    A definition of the acronym CDF or Channel Definition Format. zSB(3,3)
    What is Push Technology and CDF?
    CDF or channel definition format is an example of how XML is used right now. You can learn how to build your own active channel and write an XML...
    Build Your Own CDF Channel
    Ink Markup Language (InkML) - W3C
    The InkML data format is used to represent ink entered with an electronic pen or stylus. Ink-aware Web applications can process and exchange handwriting, gestures, sketches, music and other notational languages.
    Extensible Markup Language (XML)
    The W3C recommendation for the XML Standard.
    Mathematical Markup Language Specification
    An XML application for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. Using MathML, you should be able to serve, receive, and process mathematics just as HTML is.
    Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language Specification
    SMIL enables authoring of TV-like multimedia presentations on the Web. Like all XML, SMIL presentations can be written using a simple text editor and will produce streaming audio and video, images, text, or other media type.

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