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61. Xml: XML Project OpenOffice.org The Free, Open Source Office Suite. http://xml.openoffice.org/ |
62. Rpbourret.com - XML Namespaces FAQ Questions and answers about Namespaces in xml as maintained by Ronald Bourret. http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/NamespacesFAQ.htm | |
63. The XML C Parser And Toolkit Of Gnome A part of the GNOME framework, but does not require GNOME. It provides interfaces similar to DOM and SAX and an XPath implementation. http://xmlsoft.org/ | |
64. XML Journal SYSCON's xml Journal Cloud Expo 2010 Venue Announced! Cloud Expo 2009 Photo Album with 2,200 Delegates! http://xml.sys-con.com/ | |
65. Using The JAXP Transform APIs Offers general transformation model for converting xml documents. http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/trax.html | |
66. Python/XML HOWTO Tutorial on parsing xml in Python. http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/howto/xml-howto.html | |
67. WDVL: XML: Extensible Markup Language Includes xml vs. HTML, introductory material, Key references, major sites, and software guide. http://www.wdvl.com/Authoring/Languages/XML/ |
68. XML::XPath XPath parser and evaluator. http://xml.sergeant.org/xpath.xml | |
69. XML Tutorial - Introduction Learn the basics of xml with Tizag.com s xml beginner tutorial. http://www.tizag.com/xmlTutorial/ |
70. Xml News And Other Resources | ZDNet Collection of news articles, blog posts, white papers, case studies, videos and comments relating to xml http://www.zdnet.com/topics/xml | |
71. XMLDOMTwig Helper module that adds xmlTwig methods to xmlDOM. http://www.xmltwig.com/domtwig/ |
72. What Is XML? - A Word Definition From The Webopedia Computer This page describes the term xml and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. http://www.webopedia.com/index.php/term/x/xml.html |
73. David Helkowski / XML-Bare - Search.cpan.org CPAN module with provides a light-weight xml parser implemented via a C++ state engine. Includes documentation a source. http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-Bare/ | |
74. DevX: XML Zone Your starting point for Extensible Markup Language (xml) programming, including answers to frequentlyasked technical questions about xml, feature articles, http://www.devx.com/xml/ | |
75. IBM DeveloperWorks: Wikis - DB2 XML - Partners O'Reilly is a leader in technical and computer book documentation for xml. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/db2xml/Partners | |
76. Chinese XML FAQ FAQ about Chinese document encodings, and how they relate to xml. Also includes links and software. http://xml.ascc.net/en/utf-8/faq.html | |
77. Web Design References: XML Aug 20, 2010 Migrating from HTML to XHTML and xml Part 2/2 Char James-Tanny . Printing xml Why CSS Is Better than XSL - Hakon Wium Lie and Michael http://www.d.umn.edu/itss/support/Training/Online/webdesign/xml.html | |
78. XmlAdvice xml, xslt, xaml, html, xhtml and any other xml related topics. Forums, blogs, articles, tutorials, discussions, and mailing lists all to answer your xml questions. http://xmladvice.com/ |
79. Unicode In XML And Other Markup Languages This document contains guidelines on the use of the Unicode Standard in conjunction with markup languages such as xml. http://www.w3.org/TR/unicode-xml/ | |
80. JEdit - Plugin Central - XML The xml plugin (version 2) provides a tree structure browser for editing xml, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, and completion for xml, HTML and CSS. http://plugins.jedit.org/plugins/?XML |
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