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81. DataDirect XML Converters - Convert Between EDI (X12, EDIFACT, IATA, EANCOM, HTM DataDirect xml Converters Java and .NET components that provide bidirectional, programmatic access to any non-xml file including EDI, flat files, and other legacy formats. http://xmlconverters.com/ | |
82. RISORSE.NET - Guida Xml, Editor, Libri <- EXtensible Markup Language Propone una facile introduzione al linguaggio xml. http://www.risorse.net/xml/ | |
83. Help The xml class contains methods and properties for working with xml objects. The xml class (along with the xmlList, Namespace, and QName classes) implements http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/XML.html | |
84. XML From The Inside Out A list of links to webs related to the application of xml to EDI. http://www.xml.com/pub/pt/11 | |
85. Python And XML Processing Python s power and ease of use combine to make it an excellent choice for writing programs that process xml data. http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/ | |
86. XML-Ecke Einf hrungsbeispiele und Informationen zu den Grundlagen von xml und XSL vom Autor Peter Zschunke. http://www.xml-ecke.de/ |
87. Developer.com: Your Home For Java And Open Source Development Knowledge - XML Developer.com is your source for Java and Open Source information, howtos, news , and reports. Developer.com is the place for the latest programming http://www.developer.com/xml | |
88. Das XML-XSLT Seminar - Online-Version | Das XML-XSLT-Seminar, Das XML/XSLT-Semin Online-Version des gedruckten Buchs von Franziskus Geeb zum Einstieg in xml und XSLT. http://www.xml-xslt.de/ | |
89. XML Syntax Quick Reference File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.mulberrytech.com/quickref/XMLquickref.pdf |
90. Aboutxml Ein Weblog mit Neuigkeiten rund um xml, xml Schema, XSLT, XPath und XQuery. http://www.aboutxml.de/ | |
91. Sitemaps.org - Home Feb 27, 2008 In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an xml file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last http://sitemaps.org/ | |
92. Focus Areas | XML.org xml.org Focus Areas are official community gathering places that support specific OASIS standards and related specifications. Focus Areas offer technical and educational http://www.xml.org/focus-areas | |
93. Voice-XML.info, Voice Over IP, VoIp, IP-Telefonie Technische und informelle Artikel zu Voice xml und Voice over IP. http://www.voice-xml.info/ | |
94. XML - O'Reilly Media A compilation of O'Reilly Media's information about xml (Extensible Markup Language), from news, books, conferences, courses, community, and reports. http://oreilly.com/xml/index.html | |
95. Startseite | Xml-rss.de Informationsseite zum Thema xml, mit Hintergrundinformationen woher das Format stammt, wie es aufgebaut ist, sowie Hinweise zu praktischen Einsatzgebiete. http://xml-rss.de/ | |
96. XML - PHP Classes xml parsing and generation. Compose and generate RSS 2.0 feeds. Read and write RSS and Atom feeds. This class use the class xmlBasica and perform an http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/class/4.html | |
97. Web / Authoring / Languages / XML - WebReference.com information on authoring xml and related technology xml. HTML is about the display of content, xml is about creating, sharing and processing information. http://www.webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/ | |
98. XML-opas : XML Artikkelisarja xml-kielen perusteista ja ohjelmallisesta k sittelyst . http://www.2kmediat.com/xml/ | |
99. STG XML Validation Form An interface for checking the validity, ie, structural integrity and correctness , of xml document instances. http://www.stg.brown.edu/service/xmlvalid/ | |
100. XML Support In Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Shankar Pal, Mark Fussell, and Irwin Dolobowsky Microsoft Corporation. December 2005. Applies to Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345117(SQL.90).aspx | |
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