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101. W3C XML Schema Contains status information, links to specifications and tools that implement xml Schema http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema | |
102. XML Tutorial xml Tutorial. New Zvon materials. Updated version of this tutorial xml is described in xml 1.0 standard. In this tutorial selected xml features are http://zvon.org/xxl/XMLTutorial/General/book.html |
103. Xml: OpenOffice.org The Free, Open Source Office Suite http://xml.openoffice.org/faq.html |
104. XML Schema 2001 Reference A complete hyperlinked reference for xml Schema which can be downloaded for offline use. http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xmlSchema2001Reference/Output/index.html |
105. XML For The Absolute Beginner - JavaWorld In just a few short years, the World Wide Web and HTML have taken the world by storm. But HTML s limitations and the everincreasing demand for more http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-1999/jw-04-xml.html |
106. National Digital Forecast Database XML/SOAP Service - NOAA's National Weather Se NDFD xml Web Service Home NDFD NDFD SOAP Service National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) http://www.nws.noaa.gov/xml/ | |
107. XML Schema Requirements Describes the requirements on which the W3C xml Schema recommendation is based. (W3C Note 15 February 1999) http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-xml-schema-req | |
108. XML Tutorials - Tutorialized xml is a W3Cdeveloped specification is used for describing other languages. xml is used to make it easier to share data across different information http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorials/XML/1 |
109. Legislative Documents In XML At The United States House Of Official site for xml at the United Steates House of Representatives for legislative documents http://xml.house.gov/ | |
110. XML Schema Browser Multi-modal topic map browser for the W3C xml Schema specifications, including indexes of the terms used by the specifications and the main concepts of xml Schema. http://www.techquila.com/topicmaps/xmlschema/ |
111. AlphaWorks : XML Schema Quality Checker : Overview Alphaworks software that takes as input an xml Schema written in the W3C xml schema language and diagnoses improper uses of the schema language http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xmlsqc | |
112. XML Schema Tutorial License Agreement Detailed xml Schema tutorial with many examples, prepared by Roger Costello. Format is Microsoft PowerPoint. http://www.xfront.com/xml-schema.html | |
113. Guidelines For Implementing DC In XML In each case, the underlying metadata model is described (in a syntax neutral way), followed by some specific guidelines for xml implementations. http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-xml-guidelines/ | |
114. XML Schema Tutorial: Home Free online tutorial to help you learn W3C xml Schema. http://www.learn-xml-schema-tutorial.com |
115. XML Jobs For Freelancers | Employment, Part Time Jobs & Freelance Jobs xml Jobs Listed on Freelancer.com. Find Freelance Developers and Programmers to bid on your xml Video Jobs at Freelancer.com. http://www.freelancer.com/projects/by-job/XML.html | |
116. Schemas from the xml Bible, 2nd edition. Introduction to W3C xml Schema. http://www.cafeconleche.org/books/bible2/chapters/ch24.html | |
117. RSS - Phil Windley S Technometria www.windley.com/rss.xml SimilarMARC 21 xml SchemaThe MODS schema is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource http://www.windley.com/rss.xml | |
118. Brief XSD Tutorial. XML Schema Examples. XSD Schema Samples. XSD XML Editor. XSD A brief xml Schema overview with code samples demonstrating how to use essential xml Schema elements. http://www.skaterpro.net/xsd.htm | |
119. Processing XML With Java Apr 17, 2003 Welcome to Processing xml with Java , a complete tutorial about writing Java programs that read and write xml documents. http://www.cafeconleche.org/books/xmljava/ | |
120. Panel: Implementing EbXML Panel discussion at xml Europe 2001 conference focusing on how does ebxml fit with the work of other industry standards groups. http://www.gca.org/papers/xmleurope2001/papers/html/s18-2a.html |
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