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121. XML Namespaces Feb 4, 1999 An attempt by James Clark at a less confusing alternative explanation of the mechanism described in the xml Namespaces Recommendation. http://www.jclark.com/xml/xmlns.htm | |
122. EbXML - A Critical Analysis A series of articles which offer a critical analysis of the recently completed ebxml initiative. Of particular interest is its success in achieving interoperability and support for SMEs. By Rawlins EC Consulting. http://www.rawlinsecconsulting.com/ebXML/index.html | |
123. National Digital Forecast Database XML/SOAP Service - NOAA's National Weather Se NDFD xml contains forecasts for any combination of the following In addition to its meteorological content, NDFD xml contains meta data about the http://www.weather.gov/xml/ | |
124. Selecting A VoiceXML Gateway | XML Journal Short article from xml-Journal describing selection process among internal or external Vxml infrastructure, with advice on criteria to select among them. http://xml.sys-con.com/node/40434 | |
125. DriveImage XML Backup Software - Data Recovery Product Jul 9, 2010 DriveImage xml is an easy to use backup and restore program for Windows XP and Vista. Part of Runtime s Data Recovery Software products. http://www.runtime.org/driveimage-xml.htm | |
126. XML Tutorial: The XML Revolution Detailed presentation that provides an introduction and overview of xml, Namespaces, XInclude, xml Base, XLink, XPointer, XPath, DTD, xml Schema, DSD, XSLT, XQuery, DOM, SAX, and JDOM http://www.brics.dk/~amoeller/XML/ | |
127. Xml There are a plethora of frameworks and libraries to generate xml and html trees. However, many of them are large, have a steep learning curve and are often http://codespeak.net/py/dist/xml.html | |
128. DevX: XML Zone xml resource site offering technical articles, frequently asked questions, links to the leading xml sites, and news for xml developers on Development Exchange. http://www.devx.com/xml/Door/7050 | |
129. XML xml (eXtensible Markup Language) is a method for defining structure in documents . The philosophy behind xml is that the information (text, images, http://www.december.com/html/tech/xml.html | |
130. XML Scripts And Tutorials - XSL, DOM, DTD, Databases, ASP, Beginners Index of free xml scripts and tutorials, including sections on XSL, DTD, xml and Java and xml-DOM. http://www.codetoad.com/xml/ |
131. NN-OnLine Jan 8, 2006 Module by Mart Rentmeester that reads and interprets xml in standard Fortran 95. Also at the site is code for varying length strings, http://nn-online.org/code/xml/ | |
132. WDVL: Doing It With XML, Part 2 Part 2 of the WDVL introduction on using xml for web development. Information on inexpensive tools for editing xml, and how to use CSS or XSL to control the presentation and processing of xml. http://wdvl.com/Authoring/Languages/XML/Tutorials/DoingIt/index2.html |
133. Cover Pages: XML And Forms Repository for xml Forms (XForms) material. (OASIS / Rover Cover) http://xml.coverpages.org/xmlForms.html | |
134. RTF To PDF, RTF To HTML With Novosoft RTF TO XML Converter. RTF To HTML, RTF To Converts RTF documents to either xml documents or XSL/xml document sets that are compliant with the xml FO specification. It works as a standalone application or as part of an integrated solution. http://www.rtf-to-xml.com | |
135. XML Editor | Liquid Technologies xml Editor Schema based validation intellisense, Outlining Auto Complete. The toolkit also include a graphical xml Schema (XSD) editor, XPath viewer, xml Diff tool, Web Service call composer, and more. Freeware, Commercial http://www.liquid-technologies.com/XML-Editor.aspx | |
136. XML Assistant - XML/XSD/XSL Software - Edit XML xml Editor for GUI based editing of xml. Visualizes the xml structure in a tree, modifications are applied using controls. Commercial http://www.edit-xml.com/assistant.htm | |
137. Easy XML Editor - XML/XSD/XSL Software - Edit XML xml Editor for editing xml in a tree structure and with input fields. Supports mapping to tables and refactoring operations. Suitable for any xml based format. Commercial http://www.edit-xml.com/easyxmleditor.htm | |
138. XML.com: Microsoft XML Parser Conformance David Brownell tests the Microsoft xml parser, as bundled with Internet Explorer 5, for xml 1. (xml.com) http://www.xml.com/pub/a/1999/11/parser/ | |
139. Cover Pages: XML And Query Languages Open OASIS and Robin Cover s archive of news relating to XQuery and other xml query languages. http://xml.coverpages.org/xmlQuery.html | |
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