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         Mcse:     more books (100)
  1. McSe Study Guide: Tcp/Ip and Systems Management Server by Tim McLaren, Stephen Myers, 1996-07
  2. MCSE Networking Essentials Exam Guide (2nd Edition) (Exam Guides) by Dan York, 1999-12-02

141. Alexander Y Kargin
Certified professional (mcse, MCDBA, MCSA) with 15+ years of IT experience, at managerial level.
Alexander Y Kargin / Moscow Russia
Certified IT professional with 15+ years of being an analytical, innovative, and results-oriented Information Systems executive with demonstrated, hands-on experience of optimizing IT infrastructures, as well as, integrating current systems across multiple platforms. CISA, MCSE, MCDBA, MCSA, ITIL, and Ph.D. (cand.phys.-math.sci). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2003 -present time, Director of Information Systems Audit Crechet Company, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and authorized Microsoft Certified Support Center. Moscow, Russia. - IT Balanced Scorecards, Performance Measurement, IT Personnel KPI and Motivation
- IT Governance and IT processes Audit and Consulting - IS Audit and compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and BS7799 - Audit of IT Outsourcing according to COBIT
CIO, Director of the International IT Department Russian-American Association. Headquarters: Chicago and Moscow, over 30 field offices in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. - Implemented IT Scorecard.
1-st level: a single page top-level spreadsheet using stoplight format with information about basic service offerings plus financial, customer satisfaction, and human resources information

142. Don Meyers, MBA
An executive for hire, MBA degree, holding a number of IT certifications such as CCNA, mcse, CNE.
Welcome to Don Meyers MBA, MCSE, CNE, CCNA To get in Contact email: page is under reconstruction

143. Computerjockey
Informationen rund um Windows 2000, Netzwerke und zu den mcse- und MCDBA-Kursen.
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144. Train Signal Training – Free Computer Training Videos
Oct 28, 2010 Offers training videos for certification preparation.
Train Signal
Video: Interview with vExpert Kendrick Coleman at VMworld 2010
Posted on October 28th, 2010 by Kasia Lorenc Kendrick Coleman is the new rising superstar of VMworld and this has been one exciting year for the young IT professional. After being thrown into virtualization Kendrick has embraced the field sharing his knowledge and experience on his blog . His work and passion for virtualization are quickly starting to pay off. Kendrick joined the ranks of vExperts earlier this year for his contributions to the VMware community through his blog, teaching and speaking events and was voted the top 30 VMware blogger on 10 best free tools for vSphere management and was a special guest in the VMworld 2010 Live vChat along with Duncan Epping. And get this, Kendrick is 27 years old.
Kendrick and I got a chance to talk about his favorite VMware tools and his long list of free VMware vSphere tools as well as why he chose to work with VMware in the first place. He also shares some advice for aspiring virutalization professionals and those preparing for the VCP exam. Take a look at the video and make sure to connect with Kendrick on Twitter on @kendrickcoleman
Posted on October 28th, 2010 by

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