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21. UMBC Department Of Physics: Research: Atmospheric Physics UMBC An Honors University in Maryland Faculty, students, and scientists in the UMBC Atmospheric Physics (ATPH) graduate program perform research in a number of areas in http://physics.umbc.edu/research/atmospheric | |
22. Apcling - Atmospheric Physics And Climate Investigation Group Atmospheric Physics investigations, Climate study, Dynamical climate downscaling, Development of climate version of regional ETA model (ETA CCS),Development of radiation http://apcling.org/ | |
23. Atmospheric Optics Photo visual spectacles produced by light playing on water drops, dust and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Explanations applying atmospheric physics, images and downloadable freeware to simulate them. http://www.atoptics.co.uk/ |
24. Institute Of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy Of Sciences The Institute of Atmospheric Physics Tel +8610-62028606 82995018 Fax +86-10-62028604 Email zhangl@mail.iap.ac.cn Address Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy http://english.iap.cas.cn/ | |
25. MISU Middle Atmosphere Research The Atmospheric Physics Group s research is concentrated on improving our understanding of the physics and chemistry that determine the structure and composition of the middle and upper atmosphere. http://www.misu.su.se/atmphy.htm | |
26. Department Of Physics And Astronomy: Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric Physics About the Atmospheric Physics Research Group. Faculty Marshall, Rust, and Stolzenburg. Thunderstorm electricity is the main focus of research for the atmospheric http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/physics_and_astronomy/research/atmospheric.html | |
27. Atmospheric Sciences | Ask.com Encyclopedia Divisions of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) oversee research projects and weather modeling involving atmospheric physics. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Atmospheric_sciences?qsrc=3044 |
28. Atmospheric Physics Definition Of Atmospheric Physics In The Free Online Encyclo atmospheric physics at mə sfir ik ′fiz iks (geophysics) The study of the physical phenomena of the atmosphere. Physics, Atmospheric . the branch of meteorology that studies http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Atmospheric physics |
29. UMBC Department Of Physics: Research: Atmospheric Physics Research at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, includes making infrared, visible and ultraviolet measurements of gases and aerosols in the atmosphere using both passive and active remote sensing systems. http://www.physics.umbc.edu/research/atmospheric | |
30. The ISU Atmospheric Physics Homepage John L. Stanford Emeritus Professor Atmospheric Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy Iowa State University http://www.public.iastate.edu/~atmos/ | |
31. NMT Department Of Physics Current research interests include cloud physics and thunderstorm structure, lightning and atmospheric electricity, the interaction of clouds and climate, middle atmospheric photochemistry and atmospheric radioactivity. http://physics.nmt.edu/Research/atmos.html | |
32. University Of Adelaide | Atmospheric Physics Group The Group is studying the dynamics and structure of the atmosphere from the ground up to a height of about 100 km, using ground-based radar and optical systems. http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/atmospheric/research.htm | |
33. UMBC Department Of Physics: Graduate Programs : Degrees : MS And PhD In Atmosphe UMBC An Honors University in Maryland MS and PhD in Atmoshperic Physics. Atmospheric Physics MS Requirements. Atmospheric Physics PhD Requirements http://physics.umbc.edu/grad/atmospheric.php | |
34. Chiang Mai University Atmospheric Physics Research Research is focused on the investigation and analysis of atmospheric features, regional climate change and air pollution. http://www.physics.science.cmu.ac.th/AtmosLab/ |
35. ETH - IACETH - Atmospheric Physics (Prof. Ulrike Lohmann) Full size video in swissinfo.ch (english) Video in deutsch (swissinfo.ch) The Atmospheric Physics group focuses on the role of aerosols (also known as particulate matter) and http://www.iac.ethz.ch/groups/lohmann | |
36. Spectral Calculator Provides line-by-line simulation of high resolution infrared atmospheric gas spectra. Supporting this are the blackbody calculator, atmosphere constituent browser and the sun position calculator. http://www.spectralcalc.com |
37. Cambridge University Press - Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric Physics. Below is a selection of the latest major Atmospheric Physics books from Cambridge University Press Australia and New Zealand. http://www.cambridge.org/aus/browse/default.asp?subjectID=76950 |
38. Auroras: Paintings In The Sky What are auroras? What makes them happen? What do they look like? Where can you see them? Photos and QuickTime movies of the northern lights, and Realaudio interviews with NASA scientists. http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/auroras/index.html |
39. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Atmospheric Physics And Chemistry Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory conducts research in atmospheric, climate, and ocean sciences. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory is part of the National Oceanic and http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/atmospheric-physics-and-chemistry | |
40. General Spectral Toolbox GENSPECT is a line-by-line radiative transfer code to calculate gas absorption and emissivity, emission and transmission for a wide range of atmospheric gases. GENSPECT has an online web interface is available as a MATLAB toolbox. http://www.genspect.com/ |
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