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61. USB Physics: Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric Physics. The Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres at Stony Brook uses a variety of satellite data and data from general circulation models to better http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/Physics/research_groups/p002_atm.htm | |
62. Atmospheric Optics Explanations of atmospheric optical phenomena occurring in photos in Kulgun, Australia and South Pole station in Antarctica. http://optics.kulgun.net/ | |
63. Oxford University Press: Atmospheric Physics Oxford University Press USA publishes scholarly works in all academic disciplines, bibles, music, children's books, business books, dictionaries, reference books, journals http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/AtmosphericScience/AtmosphericPhys |
64. Natural VLF Radio Listening: Streaming Audio Provides information on natural radio signals in the very low frequency range, how to observe dynamic spectrum, and where to find online sources of streaming audio available on the internet. http://www.ab9il.net/vlf/vlf1.html | |
65. WELCOME TO MY BLOG ABOUT UV RADIATION, OZONE AND AEROSOLS Personal blog of Dr. Manuel Anton in which he discusses news, conferences and articles about ultraviolet radiation and ozone. http://mananton.blogspot.com | |
66. Dr. Andrew Russell - Weather And Climate Personal page describing Dr. Russell s work on thunderstorm development through projects like CSIP and COPS, and Southern Hemispheric atmospheric circulation signals in Antarctic ice cores. http://www.andrewrussell.co.uk | |
67. Atmospheric Physics Laboratory The Atmospheric Physics Laboratory (APL) carries out both observations and modelling of the thermospheres and ionospheres of both the http://www.apl.ucl.ac.uk/ | |
68. Diana BOU KARAM, Aerosols Impacts On Climate Personal page of Dr Karam where she describes her research into the effect of dust in the atmosphere. A long term mesoscale observation-modeling approach is used to analyze the radiative impact. http://drdiana.free.fr |
69. Atmospheric Physics Research Lab Welcome to APRL. Welcome to the home of the Atmospheric Physics Research Laboratory (APRL) at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. http://aprl.db.erau.edu/ | |
70. How Do The Dynamics Of The Troposphere Affect The Chemistry Of The Stratosphere? Study examining the effects of tropospheric dynamics and the changes that occur due to different concentrations of greenhouse gases. http://www.pa.op.dlr.de/kodyacs/Schlussbericht-2004-WP2_engl.pdf |
71. Refraction Integral Aimo Niemi provides a numerical method for calculating atmospheric refraction as a function of the zenith distance, ground level height, light color and relative humidity. Includes an example program for Pc Calculator. http://pc-calculator.110mb.com/ref/ | |
72. Atmospheric Physics | Memes.org: Mind Viruses On the official HAARP site there is a Q A section in which it was said that the artificial aurora produced during HAARP experiments is negligable. http://memes.org/tags/atmospheric-physics | |
73. ICARE Project to provide various services to support the research community in fields related to atmospheric research, such as aerosols, clouds, radiation and the water cycle and their interactions. http://www.icare.univ-lille1.fr | |
74. Virtual Institute For Space And Atmospheric Sciences Online community of people interested in the investigation of various aspects of the earth, atmosphere and space environments including global change, solar-terrestrial interactions and space sciences. http://www.visas-dias.hpage.com |
75. Science > Earth Sciences > Atmospheric Physics Atmospherical physical science is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospherical physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of http://atmospheric-physics.generalanswers.org/ | |
76. Laboratory For Atmospheric And Space Physics Conducts basic theoretical and experimental research in planetary, atmospheric, magnetospheric, and solar physics. http://lasp.colorado.edu/ | |
77. Atmospheric Physics In Wuppertal research of the earth's atmosphere Hurricane Francis Photo taken by Mike Fincke aboard the International Space Station on August 27, 2004 http://www.atmos.physik.uni-wuppertal.de/index-en.html | |
78. Atmospheric Sciences At Michigan Tech Provides information on the Michigan Tech atmospheric sciences graduate degree interdisciplinary research program. http://www.atmos-sci.mtu.edu/ | |
79. Atmospheric Physics | TutorVista The envelope of air protects all living beings from the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun. These rays can cause skin cancer and various health problems, If http://www.tutorvista.com/topic/atmospheric-physics |
80. UNSW Physics Research: Applied Physics A summary of research into the properties and effects of aerosols in the atmosphere. http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/phys_research/applied.html | |
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