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81. Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Atmospheric physics | |
82. Home | The National Center For Atmospheric Research Plans, organizes, and conducts atmospheric and related research programs in collaboration with universities. http://www.ncar.ucar.edu/ | |
83. Welcome To Pmodwrc Undertakes research using solar irradiance and atmospheric radiation measurement equipment. Contributions to various space experiments. http://www.pmodwrc.ch/ | |
84. University Of Aberystwyth Radio And Space Physics Group Outline the interests of RASP, which is focussed on the study of the atmosphere between about 3 and 90Km above the surface of the earth. http://www.aber.ac.uk/propag/ |
85. Centre For Atmospheric Science (The University Of Manchester) Describes the research activities being undertaken and the facilities available within the center. http://www.cas.manchester.ac.uk/ | |
86. Imperial College Space And Atmospheric Physics Group Includes news, staff details, research opportunities, and information about postgraduate studies. http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/spat |
87. Planets Alive - Our Solar System - General Info Information about the planets and other objects found within the solar system. Includes details of their structure and atmosphere, physical parameters, rings, satellites and missions. http://www.planetsalive.com | |
88. Paul Van Delst's Work Page Code for a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), RTM Coefficient Assembly, Infrared Sea Surface Emissivity (IRSSE), EmisCoeff utility, Emissivity utility, Planck functions, Profile utility, SensorInfo utility, SpcCoeff utility, and SRF utility. http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~paulv/ | |
89. Center For Space Physics » Boston University Topics researched include space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics, atmospheric physics, and planetary and cometary atmospheric studies. http://www.bu.edu/csp/ |
90. Welcome To The Earth Science Division Research center focusing on ecosystem science technology, atmospheric physics and chemistry, and airborne sensors. Includes list of research projects, discoveries, education outreach efforts, news, seminars, and publications. http://geo.arc.nasa.gov/ |
91. About Us - Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences - About Us Areas of research include oceanography, ocean dynamics and circulation, atmospheric physics and chemistry, atmospheric dynamics and circulation, climate and ocean chemistry. http://www.princeton.edu/aos/about_us/ | |
92. Live Weather Images: WeatherImages.org Live Weather Images community forums message board with chat topics primarily about meteorology and current weather events as well as discussion about atmospheric physics, dynamics and modeling. http://www.weatherimages.org/ | |
93. Essentials Of Meteorology, Weather Meteorology, Weather Training, And Other Rela Military manuals cover weather science fundamentals, atmosphere physics, atmospheric phenomena, etc. Read online or available for purchase. http://www.tpub.com/content/aerographer/ | |
94. Consultant In Meteorology Law Legal consultant in meteorology and atmospheric physics with expertise in lightning, negligent cloud seeding and negligent weather forecasts. http://www.rbs2.com/meteorol.htm | |
95. The University Of Arizona Department Of Atmospheric Sciences - Home The study of atmospheric sciences at the University of Arizona. Content includes atmospheric physics, meteorology, climatology, environment and changes in the geosphere and biosphere. http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/ | |
96. LESC - London E-Science Centre - London E-Science Centre Based at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and associated with its Department of Computing. Supports the development of e-Science activities within London and the South-East through collaborations with applied scientists in the fields of Space and Atmospheric Physics, Particle Physics, Bioinformatics, Environmental Modelling. and Engineering. http://www.lesc.ic.ac.uk/ | |
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