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41. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - Elsevier Journal of both The Geochemical Society and The Meteoritical Society. Publishes original research in physical chemistry, petrology, terrestrial chemical processes, inorganic and organic geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and lunar and planetary science. Tables of contents and indices, and on-line access to articles for subscribers. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/212/description |
42. Geochemistry The geochemistry program at Mines is jointly offered by two academic departments Geology Geological Engineering and Chemistry geochemistry. http://www.mines.edu/Geochemistry_GS | |
43. Journal Of Geochemical Exploration - Elsevier Publishes research on all aspects of geochemistry of the environment and the application of geochemistry to mineral resource exploration. Tables of contents, indices, and on-line access to articles for subscribers. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/503342/description |
44. SpringerLink - Environmental Geochemistry And Health Publishes original research papers, research notes and reviews across the broad field of environmental geochemistry. Aims and scope of the journal, subscription information, instructions for authors, a searchable database, and a free on-line sample copy. http://www.springerlink.com/content/100162/ | |
45. Geochemistry -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia geochemistry, scientific discipline that deals with the relative abundance, distribution, and migration of the Earth’s chemical elements and their isotopes. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/229470/geochemistry | |
46. Marum - Organic Geochemistry Group At the Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. The Group is using molecular biomarkers to study geoscientific problems in various disciplines ranging from biogeochemistry and geobiology to microbiology. http://www.marum.de/en/Organic_Geochemistry_group.html | |
47. Boston University Geochemistry » Boston University Earth Sciences geochemistry. geochemistry involves the study of the distribution behavior of chemical compounds, elements, and isotopes within diverse and dynamic Earth systems at scales http://www.bu.edu/es/research/geochemistry/ | |
48. Exploration Technologies, Inc. - Online Provides exploration and environmental geochemistry services, including soil vapor site assessments, seismic geochemistry, and product fingerprinting for contaminant spills http://eti-geochemistry.com/ | |
49. Byrd Polar Research Center At The Ohio State University At the Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, USA. Includes details of the people and the varied research projects in which they are involved. http://bprc.osu.edu/EnvironmentalGeochemistry/research.php | |
50. Geochemistry & Petrochemistry Here's a collection of articles, notes, and resources for the fields of geochemistry and petrochemistry. http://chemistry.about.com/od/geochemistry/Geochemistry_Petrochemistry.htm | |
51. Myneni Group: Molecular Environmental Geochemistry At the Department of Geosciences, Princeton University. Research is focused on understanding the interactions between mineral oxides and organic macromolecules, which interact with each other and the atmosphere, water, and biota continuously. http://geoweb.princeton.edu/research/geochemistry/ | |
52. Geochemistry - Caltech: Geological And Planetary Sciences Undergraduate requirements geochemistry option. Ge 11 abc, Ge 13, Ge 109. ACM 95 abc or (Ch 41 abc and ACM/ESE 118) or (Ch 21 abc and ACM/ESE 118). http://www.gps.caltech.edu/education/undergraduate/undergradgeochemistry | |
53. Department Of Environmental Geosciences » Biogeochemistry & Isotope Geochemistr At the Department of Environmental Geosciences, Universit t Wien, Austria. Undertaking research into biogeochemical processes in sedimentary and weathering environments, in aquatic and terrestrial systems. http://umweltgeologie.univie.ac.at/biogeochemistry-isotope-geochemistry-group/ |
54. GEOCHEMISTRY geochemistry during Leg 193 concentrated on the analysis of igneous rocks, altered rocks, and in situ downhole water samples. The analytical methods used were elemental http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/193_IR/chap_02/c2_6.htm | |
55. Geochemical Society Non-profit international society encompassing all aspects of geochemistry. Publisher of The Geochemical News, and co-sponsor of the research journals Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, and Reviews in Mineralogy and geochemistry. Information on membership, up-coming conferences, and contact information for all Society members. http://gs.wustl.edu/ |
56. School Of Earth And Environment: Masters Courses: MSc Geochemistry. MSc geochemistry MSc Environmental geochemistry . Programme Manager Dr Rob Newton. Admissions Tutor Prof Liane Benning. Introduction http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/msc_geochemistry1.htm | |
57. AAG: The Association Of Applied Geochemists International organization specializing in the field of exploration and applied geochemistry (past publisher of Journal of Geochemical Exploration; current publisher of geochemistry Exploration, Environment, Analysis). Site has membership and journal information, event schedules, and association information. http://www.appliedgeochemists.org/ | |
58. Geochemistry.com - Publications Copyright 19982010 EasyQuest Corp. All rights reserved. http://www.geochemistry.com/publications/ | |
59. 2010-2011 Program Requirements - Earth And Space Sciences (Geochemistry) The program in geochemistry offers study in biogeochemistry, crystal chemistry, experimental petrology, isotopic studies of stable and radioactive elements, marine http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/gasaa/pgmrq/ess.asp | |
60. Geochemistry - Definition Of Geochemistry By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur ge o chem is try (jk m-str) n. The chemistry of the composition and alterations of the solid matter of the earth or a celestial body. ge o chem i cal (k l) adj. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/geochemistry |
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