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61. Exploration Geochemistry Services Off-shore and on-shore geochemical sampling of gases, water, and sediments for oil and gas exploration. Provides example applications for geochemical exploration surveys. http://www.eti-geochemistry.com/exp/ | |
62. EGC Consulting EGC is a consulting company specializing in advanced chemical fingerprinting for identification, differentiation and source-allocation of hydrocarbon contaminants, environmental forensic geochemistry and litigation support. http://www.geochemconsulting.com | |
63. CCGS - Chris Clayton Geochemistry Services Consultancy specializing in geochemistry as applied to petroleum exploration and production, with subsidiary groundwater chemistry and mineral exploration projects. http://www.c-clayton.com/ | |
64. Geochemistry, Geology Department, University Of Otago, New Zealand Geology Department, University of Otago, New Zealand. Home Research geochemistry geochemistry is an important and growing discipline which applies chemical principles to the http://www.otago.ac.nz/geology/research/geochemistry/index.html | |
65. Scientific Software Group - Provider And Source Of Environmental Software, Groun Groundwater chemistry and water geochemistry software for aqueous geochemical data analysis. Product overview, pricing, and on-line ordering. A downloadable demo version is available. http://www.ssgintl.com/ | |
66. Geochemistry - New World Encyclopedia The field of geochemistry involves study of the chemical composition of Earth and extraterrestrial bodies and systems, and the chemical processes and reactions that take place within http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Geochemistry | |
67. Geochemistry: World Of Earth Science geochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that form and shape the earth. Earth is essentially a large mass of crystalline solids that are constantly subject to physical http://www.enotes.com/earth-science/geochemistry |
68. Geochemistry | SUNY Geneseo geochemistry Amy L. Sheldon, Coordinator (Greene Hall 216) Faculty of the Departments of Geological Sciences and Chemistry. This program provides a background in Geological Sciences http://www.geneseo.edu/geology/geochemistry |
69. ISOGEOCHEM Information about the e-mail discussion list for stable isotope geochemistry. Includes many isotope-related links including available positions, research laboratories, short course and workshop listings, and a searchable message archive. http://www.eeb.cornell.edu/isogeochem/ |
70. GEOCHEMISTRY.LOVE.COM | All Things Geochemistry VAN NUYS, CA (Marketwire) 10/20/10 CaesarStone is pleased to announce the recent Scientific Certification System (SCS) approval of all eight recycled colors in the http://geochemistry.love.com/ |
71. Chemical Geology - Elsevier The official publication of the European Association for geochemistry, with organic and inorganic research from around the world. Searchable indexes and on-line access to articles (subscribers only). http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/503324/description |
72. Geochemistry - Cambridge University Press Resources and solutions. This title has free online support material available. View material http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521706933 |
73. G-Cubed: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Electronic journal of the American Geophysical Union and the Geochemical Society, which publishes articles related to the physics and chemistry of the Earth. News and FAQ, subscription information, instructions for authors and reviewers, and indexes. http://www.agu.org/journals/gc/ | |
74. ScienceDaily: Geochemistry News Earth and Climate Chemistry. Full text articles on organic and inorganic chemistry in the environment. Updated daily. http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/earth_climate/chemistry/ | |
75. SpringerLink - Mineralium Deposita Official bulletin of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, focussing on experimental and applied geochemistry emphasizing ore deposits. Subscription information, information for authors, tables of contents, and abstracts. Articles can be downloaded as PDF files. http://www.springerlink.com/content/100445/ | |
76. Geochemistry Laboratories-Inorganic Laboratory, USGS-ERP geochemistry Laboratories, USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) Energy Program Website http://energy.cr.usgs.gov/gg/geochemlab/ |
77. Treatise On Geochemistry Describes contents of 10 volume book encyclopedia on the field, published by Elsevier Science, Ltd. in print and Internet versions. Extensive list of contributing scientists. http://www.library.uow.edu.au/eresources/databases/dbinfo/dbgechem.html |
78. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton Geochemistry Research is focused on two main themes, quantifying geochemical exchanges between Earth reservoirs and quantifying, forecasting, and mitigating the effects of climate change, pollution, global consumption and geohazards on society. http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/geochem/ |
79. Petroleum And Environmental Geochemistry Group, School Of Geography Earth And En At the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK. Includes details of the Group, the research being undertaken and publications. http://www.research.plymouth.ac.uk/pegg/ |
80. Geochemistry Research Group: University Of Bristol Research into understand natural processes on a range of temporal and spatial scales, specialising in the use of isotopic tracers to understand the nature and chronology of cycling between the major reservoirs of the Earth. http://www.gly.bris.ac.uk/research/geochem/ | |
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