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1. Geomatics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geomatics is the discipline of gathering, storing, processing, and delivering geographic information, or spatially referenced information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomatics | |
2. Geomatics Engineering Features list of applications for this major and conference information. http://www.csufresno.edu/geomatics/ |
3. Geomatics Major Are you interested in cuttingedge technology? a job that is both in and out-of-doors? Check out the geomatics major at the University http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/geomatics.html | |
4. Geomatics UK Net - Land Surveying Products, Geographical Information Systems, Le UK directory of geomatics professionals, searchable by speciality or location. http://www.geomatics.uk.net/ | |
5. Geomatics Net, The Internet Portal For Surveyors And Land Surveying geomatics net, the internet portal for Land Surveyors and Surveying. Resources, Links, News, Classifieds http://geomatics.net/ |
6. Longhorn Geomatics Limited :: Alberta Land Surveys, GIS, GPS, Wellsite And Pipel Provides surveying and mapping services to exploration, production and midstream companies in the natural resource industry. Includes company history and philosophy and http://longhorngeomatics.com/ |
7. Land Surveying And Geomatics: On-Line Resources Links to education and government sites. http://surveying.mentabolism.org/ | |
8. The Geomatics Program At The University Of Florida geomatics includes activities previously known as surveying, mapping, photogrammetry and geographic information systems (GIS). http://sfrc.ifas.ufl.edu/geomatics/ | |
9. UF Geomatics, GIS, Geographic Information Systems, Surveying, FLREC - University Open position geomatics Program Assistant at FLREC. Closing date 10/29/2010. Click Here for more information. 10/01/10 UF geomatics and FIU/GISRS Center sign a contract http://flrec.ifas.ufl.edu/geomatics.shtml |
10. Advanced Geomatics Advanced geomatics is a land surveying company with offices in Charlevoix and Novi, Michigan. http://www.advancedgeomatics.com/ | |
11. School Of Engineering - UAA School Of Engineering Thanks for your patience while we continue updating our UAA geomatics website. http://www.engr.uaa.alaska.edu/programs/geomatics/index.cfm | |
12. Geomatics Engineering - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geomatics Engineering or Geomatic Engineering is a rapidly developing discipline that focuses on spatial information (i.e. information that has a location). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomatics_engineering | |
13. Geomatics Yukon - Highways And Public Works - Government Of Yukon geomatics Yukon of Government Services is the territorial coordinating body for geographical information systems (GIS). It helps government, business and the public organize http://www.geomaticsyukon.ca/ | |
14. TU Delft - Master Of Science Geomatics Offers a masters degree. Includes information on research and courses offered. http://www.geomatics.tudelft.nl |
15. Andregg Geomatics geomatics \jeo-‘ma-tiks\ n The science and art of collecting, analyzing and managing measurements and spatial data concerning the earth’s physical features, environment and http://www.andregg.com/ |
16. UCT Geomatics Site of the UCT geomatics Department If you are eager to develop your knowledge and understanding of society's needs and possess the desire to contribute to the quality of life of http://www.geomatics.uct.ac.za/ |
17. Accueil Canadian organization that invests in geomatics research and development. Includes details of the program, news and membership details. http://www.geoide.ulaval.ca/ | |
18. Core Geomatics - Home To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. Douglas Adams http://coregeomatics.com/ | |
19. GSS Geomatics Information Center: Introduction Free lecture notes and publications; electronic links to universities, professional associations, and the land surveying and geomatics industries; and, yellow pages for geomatics engineers, land surveyors, and students. http://www.gssgeomatics.com/ | |
20. PCI Geomatics - Geo-Imaging Products And Solutions, Test1 PCI geomatics is a world leading developer of hardware/software systems for geoimaging solutions. Since 1982, we have specialized in remote sensing, digital photogrammetry http://www.pcigeomatics.com/ |
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