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121. FairfieldNodal Home Page Fairfield is a geophysical company known for its development and use of advanced technology for acquisition and processing, and its licensing of seismic data. http://www.fairfield.com/ | |
122. Index Airborne geophysical oil survey company specialising in remote fluorescence sensing and magnetic data recovery. http://www.oilsearch.co.uk/ | |
123. JGI /(株)地球科学総合研究所 -トップページ- Acquisition of seismic and other geophysical data, geothermal surveys and remote sensing. Japan based. http://www.jgi-inc.com/ | |
124. GETECH Geophysical contractor providing gravity and magnetic services and products to the international oil and mining industry. Offices in Leeds and Houston. http://www.getech.com/ | |
125. Geologa Regional Y Prospeccin Ltda. Geophysical consultants in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and survey, evaluation and analysis. In Spanish and English. http://www.grpltda.com/ |
126. Michael Studinger's Homegape Geophysical and glaciological research on the Antarctic continent with aerogeophysical methods. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~mstuding/ | |
127. Workshop For Airborne Geophysical Surveys A collection of papers covering the practical aspects of performing airborne magnetic, radiometric, and electromagnetic surveys. http://www.geoexplo.com/ |
128. Vladimir Pinsky Personal page of a senior researcher at the Seismological Division of the Geophysical Institute of Israel. Papers on seismic signals processing methods, development and application. http://www.freewebs.com/vpinsky/ | |
129. Geomind Portal Proposed system to provide cross-border, multilingual information services, offering access to geophysical data holdings throughout Europe. http://www.geomind.eu/ |
130. Cookies Required The SEG Digital Library provides a single access point, search, and interface consistency for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists journals, http://www.segdl.org/ |
131. Geophysical Institute :: UiB Research is focused on the main areas of meteorology, oceanography and climate. http://www.uib.no/gfi/en | |
132. WELCOME TO CGU! Information about the annual meeting, membership and affiliated societies. http://www.cgu-ugc.ca/ | |
133. DELPHI Seismic Research Consortium Research to develop new geophysical acquisition, imaging, and characterization technology that results in a significantly improved geological description of the subsurface at different scales. http://wwwak.tn.tudelft.nl/DELPHI/ | |
134. Your Page Title Includes membership and scholarship information, society news, conferences and publications. http://nzgs.rsnz.org/ | |
135. CREWES - Consortium For Research In Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology An applied geophysical research group concentrating on the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of multicomponent seismic data. http://www.crewes.org/ | |
136. ::: The-Eggs ::: NewsLetter & Information Service Of The E.G.U. E-zine from the European Geophysical Society provides articles, news, journal watch and book reviews. http://www.the-eggs.org | |
137. GeoPen, Geophysical Instrument Designer And Producer Series of geophysical exploration instruments used for environmental and engineering exploration. http://members.fortunecity.com/geopen_canada/ |
138. Information Services - Oil Industry Directories Since 1946 Publisher of the Oil and Gas Directory and the Geophysical Directory. Includes a description of content, sample pages, and ordering information. http://www.informationservices.com/ | |
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