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Paleontology: more books (60) | ||||
81. Paper Dinosaurs, 1824-1969 | Linda Hall Library History of dinosaur paleontology, 1824-1969 http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/dino/ | |
82. Pliocene WebRing Small ring with sites devoted to the paleontology of the Pliocene geological epoch. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=pliocenewebring |
83. Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory - Texas Natural Science Center Research and collections information from the VP lab of the Texas Memorial Museum (UT, Austin). http://www.tmm.utexas.edu/vpl/ | |
84. So You Want To Be A Paleontologist? Advice on how to become a paleontologist and which colleges offer programs in vertebrate paleontology. http://www.psych.ucsb.edu/~rowe/dinosaur/FAQs.html |
85. Carnegie Museum Of Natural History: Vertebrate Paleontology Home The Carnegie Museum of Natural History presents current research and news on this topic.. http://www.carnegiemnh.org/vp/ | |
86. Fossil Amphibians, Reptiles And Birds Information on these fossils from the American Museum of Natural History with a gallery of fossil images. http://research.amnh.org/paleontology/Collections/FARB/FARBColl.htm |
87. Gerald R. Smith Fish paleontology and geology (University of Michigan). http://www-personal.umich.edu/~grsmith/ | |
88. Welcome To The Home Page Of Jerry D. Harris Mesozoic reptiles (includes dinosaurs), links to popular paleontology resources and journals (University of Pennsylvania). http://cactus.dixie.edu/jharris/ | |
89. Gauthier, Jacques Vertebrate paleontology and the evolution of reptiles (Yale University). http://geology.yale.edu/people/moreinfo.cgi?netid=jg256 |
90. The Dinosauria Extensive information about the dinosaurs from the University of California Museum of paleontology. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/dinosaur.html | |
91. MEGALANIA DINOSAUR PAGES Larry Dunn s collection of paleontology links and other material. http://megalania.tripod.com/dinosaur.html | |
92. Member Research Profile Mesozoic vertebrate paleontology, includes dinosaurs (Univ. California-Berkeley). http://ib.berkeley.edu/faculty/padiank.html |
93. Triebold Paleontology, Inc - Provides cast and original vertebrate skeletons for sale or rent. http://www.trieboldpaleontology.com | |
94. Brachiosaurus Reconstructed skeleton. http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~kent/paleontology/Brachiosaurus/ | |
95. Apatosaurus Model. http://ix.cs.uoregon.edu/~kent/paleontology/Apatosaurus/ | |
96. The Paleontological Society: Upcoming Meeetings/Programs Upcoming symposiums, meetings, and other events. http://paleosoc.org/upcoming.html | |
97. Museum Of The Earth Details of research and educational resources, and publications, including visitor fees and location of the Museum of the Earth, Ithica, New York. http://www.museumoftheearth.org/ |
98. The PaleoNet Pages (Old) Provides a resource for paleontological professionals, graduate students, and anyone interested in the study of ancient life. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/paleonet/ | |
99. Vertebrate Paleontological Resources Protection Act ('Baucus Bill') The text of the Baucus Bill. http://www.dinosauria.com/jdp/law/baucus.htm | |
100. Mongolian Dinosaurs In The PIN Exhibition of Mongolian dinosaurs at the Paleontological Institute in Moscow. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/pin/pindino.html | |
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