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21. Welcome To The Roy J. Shlemon Center For Quaternary Studies | University Of Wyom The Roy J. Shlemon Center for Quaternary Studies is located at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wy. http://quaternary.uwyo.edu/ | |
22. The Quaternary Sciences Program QSP provides students with an interdisciplinary academic program combined with a field research experience http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/QSP/ | |
23. NOVA Online/Cracking The Ice Age Web site related to the NOVA television program about the big sweep and panorama of the Ice Age. Links to other resources. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ice/ | |
24. Fossil Beetles In Quaternary Environmental Studies For more detailed information on the use of beetles in Quaternary studies, check out Quaternary Insects and their Environments by Scott A. Elias; Washington, D.C http://www.colby.edu/geology/Beetles.html | |
25. Midwestern U.S. 16,000 Years Ago Deglaciation and late Pleistocene animals and plants. http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/larson/ | |
26. George Denton George H. Denton. Ph.D. Yale University, 1965. Professor of Geological Sciences and Quaternary Studies Telephone (207)5812193 Fax (207)581-1203 http://www.geology.um.maine.edu/user/George_Denton/ | |
27. The Ascent Of Mind, By William H. Calvin Book on the ice ages and how human intelligence evolved. http://www.williamcalvin.com/bk5/bk5ch5.htm | |
28. Quaternary Paleoenvironmental And Paleoclimate Studies At Colby College Information about student research, with numerous links. http://www.colby.edu/geology/Quaternary.html | |
29. Science > Earth Sciences > Quaternary Studies Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Information about the central institute of German polar research, its history, its facilities and research ships, and research http://quaternary-studies.generalanswers.org/ | |
30. Links SQL: Earth Science/Geology/Quaternary Studies Looking for something in particular? the entire directory only this category More search options http://www.mhhe.com/links/1254/1241/1737/index.html | |
31. Home | Climate Change Institute Studies of climatology and paleoclimatology, glaciers, Quaternary geology, paleooceanography, paleoanthropology, and related areas. http://climatechange.umaine.edu/ | |
32. Indian Society For Prehistoric And Quaternary Studies Website of the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) http://prehistoryindia.com/ | |
33. Beringian Atlas Paleonenvironmental atlas of Beringia, an area covering easternmost Siberia and western Alaska. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/parcs/atlas/beringia/index.html | |
34. GPS Glacier Surveying And Research On The Juneau Icefield, Alaska Glaciological data collected on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska. Focuses on GPS-derived surface velocity, surface elevations, and strain rates. http://www.crevassezone.org/ | |
35. USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3056: Satellite Image Atlas Of Glaciers Of The World US Geological Survey Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World. http://pubs.usgs.gov/factsheet/fs133-99// | |
36. Quaternary Studies - Zimbio Quaternary studies news, blogs, and links I am glad to see tzi back in the news on the 16th anniversary of his discovery. http://www.zimbio.com/Quaternary Studies |
37. INQUA - Commission On Glaciation The goal of the Commission on Glaciation is to explore and develop scientific cooperation for the study of past glaciation and present glacier processes. http://www.inqua.au.dk/ |
38. World Data Centre For Glaciology, Cambridge » Directory Of European Glaciology World Data Center - Directory of European Glaciology http://www.wdcgc.spri.cam.ac.uk/directory/ | |
39. Untitled Document The Irish Quaternary Studies online project was founded in June of 2000. The project has two main objectives To provide a forum for discussion of Irish subjects http://www.maqqi.supanet.com/ |
40. World Data Centre For Glaciology, Cambridge Includes a directory of European glaciology and an ice and snow database. http://www.wdcgc.spri.cam.ac.uk/ | |
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