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81. Peter Knight's Web Site Information, photos, and links on glaciers, glacial environments and glacial geomorphology. Also additional resources for users of the book Glaciers . http://www.petergknight.com/glaciers/ |
82. NPS: Nature & Science» Geology Resources Division Links to U.S. National Parks featuring alpine glaciers, glacial landforms, and Ice Age flood landforms. http://www2.nature.nps.gov/geology/tour/glaciers.cfm | |
83. National Snow And Ice Data Center (NSIDC) NSIDC supports research into the world s frozen realms of snow, ice, glacier, frozen ground, and the climate interactions that make up the cryosphere. http://nsidc.net/ | |
84. Glaciology Research :: Australian Antarctic Division Undertakes research into climate variability and change, sea level rise, ocean control of carbon dioxide and Antarctic marine ecosystems. http://www.aad.gov.au/default.asp?casid=248 |
85. Bristol University | School Of Geographical Sciences | Bristol Glaciology Centre At the University of Bristol, UK. Undertakes research into ice sheet processes and subglacial environments. http://www.bgc.bris.ac.uk/ | |
86. Centre For Glaciology, University Of Wales, Aberystwyth Research focus is on glaciology and glacial geology. Staff expertise and research areas include relation between glaciers and climate and interactions between glaciers and the marine environment. http://www.aber.ac.uk/~glawww/ |
87. Centre For Ice And Climate – Københavns Universitet At the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Main activities are the drilling and analysis of ice cores from the Greenland ice sheet with the objective of understanding the processes governing past and future climate change. http://www.iceandclimate.nbi.ku.dk/ |
88. Commission For Glaciology At the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich, Germany. Undertakes research into the connection between climate, glacier behaviour and water balance. http://www.glaciology.de/ | |
89. Glaciology Home Provides information on research, theses, publications and the long-term field study of Trapridge Glacier in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory. http://www.eos.ubc.ca/research/glaciology/ |
90. Glaciology - NBI - København Universitet Climate research through ice core drillings (including logistics and instrumental development), analysis of chemical and physical parameters and modelling. Other topics include studies of ice rheology and extraterrestrial ice. http://www.glaciology.gfy.ku.dk/ |
91. Michael Studinger's Homegape Geophysical and glaciological research on the Antarctic continent with aerogeophysical measurements. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~mstuding/ | |
92. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Describes glaciological research at Vrije Universiteit Brussel into Antarctic ice sheets and ice streams by numerical modelling, focusing on basal processes, including subglacial hydrology and till deformation. http://www.vub.ac.be/DGGF/fard/research.htm | |
93. Institutionen För Naturgeografi Och Kvartärgeologi Describes research activities, the Tarfala Research Station, and glaciers the group has studied; lists group members; and provides photos, data, and publications. http://www.glaciology.su.se/ |
94. Swansea Glaciology Undertakes research and education in glaciology and the cryosphere, specialising in understanding the processes that regulate glacier dynamics, flow instabilities and surging, and glacier fast flow. At Swansea University, UK. http://ralph.swan.ac.uk/glaciology/ |
95. Glaciology Group At The University Of Washington, Seattle Provides information on the research being conducted, the people involved, courses, and upcoming events. http://www.geophys.washington.edu/Surface/Glaciology/ | |
96. ETH - D-BAUG - VAW Glaziologie / Glaciology Glacier and permafrost research, applied research into risk management and measures for protection against natural hazards, and long term study of glacier variations in the Swiss Alps. http://www.vaw.ethz.ch/divisions/gz | |
97. ISM: Programs: Faunmap An electronic database for the late Quaternary distribution of mammal species in the United States. Illinois State Museum. http://www.museum.state.il.us/research/faunmap/ | |
98. Untitled Document Course presents an overview of pollen morphology and pollination ecology, a history of palynology, and methodology for application of palynology to paleobotanical, geological and archaeological environmental reconstruction. Geosciences/Anthropology 446/846 (University Nebraska) http://www-class.unl.edu/geol446/mall.html | |
99. Global Land Environments During The Last 130,000 Years An atlas of changes in climate and vegetation over the last 150,000 years (the Quaternary period). http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/nerc.html | |
100. GISP2 Home Page Information about the work and results from ice-core drilling project on Greenland. http://www.gisp2.sr.unh.edu/ | |
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