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1. ASE - Australasian Society For Ecotoxicology Aims to advance the science of ecotoxicology as it relates to environmental protection and management. Defines ecotoxicology is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the interactions, transformation, fate and effects of natural and synthetic chemicals in the biosphere. http://www.ecotox.org.au/ |
2. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety - Elsevier ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety focuses on integrated mechanistic research related to short and long-term pathways and interactions of substances and chemical mixtures in http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622819/description |
3. Ecotoxicology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The term ecotoxicology was coined by Ren Truhaut in 1969 who defined it as the branch of toxicology concerned with the study of toxic effects, caused by natural or synthetic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecotoxicology | |
4. Ecotoxicology At BBSR The Marine ecotoxicology Group at BBSR, led by faculty scientists Richard Owen, Hank TrapidoRosenthal, Tony Knap and adjunct faculty scientist Michael Depledge http://www.bios.edu/icohh/ecotoxicology/ecotoxicology.html | |
5. Archives Of ECOTOXICOLOGY-L@LISTSERV.VT.EDU Provides discussion list focusing on risk assessment and ecotoxicology issues. On line LISTSERV at Virginia Tech. http://listserv.vt.edu/archives/ecotoxicology-l.html | |
6. Ecotoxicology - Free Access Available ecotoxicology ecotoxicology is an international journal devoted to presenting fundamental research on the effects of toxic chemicals on populations, communities and terrestrial http://www.springer.com/environment/journal/10646 | |
7. RAMAS Software (part 2) RAMAS Software RAMAS Stage RAMAS ecotoxicology RAMAS Stage Generalized Stage Modeling for Population Dynamics. RAMAS Stage lets a user build, run and http://www.ramas.com/ramas1.htm | |
8. Pquitec MSR-Systeme, CH-4414 Fllinsdorf Specialists for the supply and construction of ecotoxicology testing equipment and agricultural research equipment. http://www.pequitec.ch | |
9. OEHHA Ecotoxicology OEHHA protects and enhances public health by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances http://www.oehha.ca.gov/ecotox.html | |
10. Ecotoxicology Jobs | Ecotoxicology Recruitment | Environmental Fate Modelling An View the latest ecotoxicology jobs and opportunities in environmental and human risk assessment and fate modelling from the leading environmental recruitment consultancy Acre. http://acre-resources.com/ecotoxicology-and-toxicology-jobs | |
11. Department Of Genetic Ecotoxicology | Institute Of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Outlines research being done in the Czech Republic into the genetic damage caused by genotoxic and carcinogenic compounds. http://www.iem.cas.cz/departments/department-genetic-ecotoxicology |
12. Ecotoxicology Jobs At New Scientist Jobs ecotoxicology jobs at New Scientist Jobs. See our list of ecotoxicology jobs and apply online for your next career move. http://www.newscientistjobs.com/jobs/browse/ecotoxicology.htm |
13. EPA: Welcome To ECOTOX The ecotoxicology database is a source for locating single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. ECOTOX integrates three toxicology effects http://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/ |
14. Get An Impression Of Your Image | LemnaTec Provides ecotoxicology testing products and services. Describes the Lemna (duckweed) bioassay test for detecting and evaluating hazardous substances in ecosystems. http://www.lemnatec.com/ | |
15. Ecotoxicology - Sediment, Aquatic, Terrestrial Toxicology, Microcosms, Acute Stu Springborn, a Smithers Group company, is a global Contract Research Organization (CRO),with laboratories in Massachusetts,North Carolina,and Europe,for crop protection http://www.springbornsmithers.com/ecotox | |
16. Ecotoxicology - Charles River by type. agrochemical animal health product development; antibody production services; avian vaccine services; biopharmaceutical services; charles river consulting services http://www.criver.com/fr-FR/ProdServ/ByType/AgroVet/AgroChem/Pages/environmental | |
17. TUD - Institut Für Hydrobiologie - Institut Für Hydrobiologie Provides information on program at the Dresden University of Technology Institute of Hydrobiology. http://www.tu-dresden.de/fghhihb/ecotox/ |
18. ASU-Jonesboro - Ecotoxicology Research Facility Mission Statement Arkansas State University ecotoxicology Research Facility (ERF) is a multiuser laboratory facilitating intercollegiate research and collaboration with other http://ecotox.astate.edu/ | |
19. Ecotoxicology Literature. Harlan Laboratories routinely performs all ecotoxicological tests required for crop protection and biocidal products. A broad range of studies is offered for the http://www.harlan.com/contract_research_services/agrochemical_service/ecotoxicol |
20. Ecotoxicology And Stress Biology Information on the research being undertaken in the ESBRC at the University of Plymouth. http://www.research.plymouth.ac.uk/stressbiol/ |
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