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81. Biocriteria - Bioassessment And Biocriteria | Biocriteria | US EPA U.S. EPA website includes a primer and FAQs on biological criteria and their application, guidelines on their use in aquatic ecosystems, case studies, and links/contacts for additional information. http://www.epa.gov/ost/biocriteria/ | |
82. ESSAY; Did PCB's Save The Stripers? A Fish Story - New York Times New York Times article about the fact that striped bass are thriving in the Hudson River because PCBs deter fishing, even though PCBs actually are harmful to the fish. However, fish in Newark Harbor have adapted to contaminants. Requires free registration. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/25/science/life/25ESSA.html |
83. Sediment Guidelines | Assessing Risk To Ecological Resources | Pollutants In The National Ocean Service Office of Response and Restoration. Toxicity-related guidelines to determine ecological risk, for use in evaluating sediment contaminated with toxic chemicals. http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/cpr/sediment/sediment.html | |
84. NOAA's Ocean Service Office Of Response And Restoration The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration s Office of Response and Restoration, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Division assesses the effects of contaminants on the environment, assists in developing protective cleanups and coordinates projects to restore affected rivers, estuaries and other coastal ecosystems. http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/cpr/cpr.html | |
85. Biochemistry In Marine Research Comet assay, apoptosis, cell culture and biomarkers for marine research are topics on Dr. Ulrike Kammann s homepage. Also has pictures of ships and some fish screensaver downloads. http://www.ukammann.de |
86. REFRESH Information on analysis of samples of shell fish for paralytic shell fish poisoning toxin (PSP - saxitoxins) and amnesic shell fish poisoning (ASP - domoic acid) by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ops/fm/shellfish/Biotoxins/biotoxins.htm |
87. Center For Coastal Environmental Health And Biomolecular Research: Home About natural toxic algae in the coastal environment. From the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research Biotoxin division of the Department of Commerce, NOAA, and NOS. http://www.chbr.noaa.gov/default.aspx?category=mb&pageName=biotoxin |
88. Aquatic Toxicology - Elsevier An international journal on mechanisms of and responses to toxic agents in the aquatic environment. Available on line with free access to table of contents, abstracts and search. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505509/description |
89. Harmful Algae And Red Tides : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Provides a primer on how microscopic, single-celled plants can ocasionally grow very fast and accumulate into dense, visible patches, and also provides a number of articles on algal blooms that have appeared in publications. http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=11913 |
90. AquaTox Research, Inc. - Aquatic Toxicity Testing And Environmental Information Provides specialized aquatic toxicity testing and environmental information services including chemical, sediment, algal and mitoscan tests. http://www.aquatoxresearch.com/index.html | |
91. LIMCO | Welcome of services and publications....... Consulting and research bureau specialized in aquatic ecology, sediment toxicology, biotests, pollution assessment and pollution control. http://www.limco-int.com/ |
92. Cadre Programme Interreg DIESE Effet Des Polluants En Milieux Aquatiques French and English collaborative project to determine the identities, levels and effects of key pollutants in aquatic environments. http://www.univ-lehavre.fr/recherche/diese/diese.php | |
93. Natural Toxins - Wiley Online Library Publish original research papers and critical review articles on the occurrence, isolation, identification, and characterization of natural products with toxic activities. Particular emphasis will be placed on evaluating the significance of the effects of such toxicants on humans. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/55696/home |
94. Queen's University Belfast | Natural Toxins Information on research at Queen s University, Belfast which focuses on phycotoxins and mycotoxins. http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/InstituteofAgri-FoodLandUse/Research/FoodSafety/Tox | |
95. EnvironMen.net A website with 3D animations of the effect of several natural toxins on a synapse. These include muscarine, curare, botox, atropine, nicotine and black widow toxin. http://environmen.net/ | |
96. Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt. Discusses the natural nuclear fission reactions that occurred 1.7 billion years ago in uranium deposits at Oklo, Gabon. http://www.npp.hu/tortenelem/foldreaktor-e.htm |
97. Home - IUR - International Union Of Radioecology Professional association of radioecologists and scientists in related fields. Information about the organization, upcoming meetings, online issues papers and other publications, and links to other websites related to environmental radiation protection. http://www.iur-uir.org | |
98. Centre For Ecology And Hydrology: Research Sites - Lancaster Cthe CEH at Merlewood in the UK study the movement and distribution of man-made radionuclides in the environment. Provides description of projects and laboratory services. http://merlewood.ceh.ac.uk/Sections/radio/labs.htm | |
99. Radiation Physics And Radiocarbon Laboratories, Ireland Measurement of man-made and natural radionuclides in the environment. Radiochemical lab including radiocarbon dating service from the University College Dublin. http://www.ucd.ie/radphys/ | |
100. The CESER Project Home Page European Community investigation of measures (such as deep plowing, special fertilizers, changes in livestock feed, or land-use changes) for long-term management of accidental radioactive contamination of agricultural systems. http://www.sbes.stir.ac.uk/research/projects/ceser/CESER.HTM | |
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