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81. Environmentaleconomics.net::Travel On The World Info Excellent Resources on Africa Trip, America Trip, Asia Trip, Australia Trip, Beach, Euro Trip, General, Honeymoon Plan, Hotel, Luggage, Tips Trip, and Travel Insurance http://environmentaleconomics.net/ | |
82. SANDEE | South Asian Network For Development And Environmental Economics SANDEE is a regional network that seeks to bring together people in South Asia interested in the inter-connections between development, poverty and the environment. http://www.sandeeonline.com/ | |
83. Taloustieteen Laitos Lecturer in Environmental Economics, University of Helsinki. http://www.mm.helsinki.fi/mmtal/ye/chiaraindex.html | |
84. Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management - Elsevier The official journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, which publishes theoretical and empirical papers concerned with the linkage between economic systems and environmental and natural resources systems. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622870/description# |
85. GreenEconomics.net Based on the book entitled Designing the Green Economy The Postindustrial Alternative to Corporate Globalization by Brian Milani. Includes book outline, essays, reviews and links. http://www.greeneconomics.net/ | |
86. RMI: Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving The Efficient Use Of Resources Based on work by Amory and Hunter Lovins, this organization has a nonadversarial, transideological approach to helping businesses, communities, governments and individuals create more wealth in a life-sustaining manner, primarily by gains in efficiency. http://www.rmi.org/ | |
87. Energy Research At DOE: Was It Worth It? Energy Efficiency And Fossil Energy Res In this study, energy efficiency investments produced almost three times the net economic benefit of those made in fossil fuel technology. Available as book. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309074487/html/ |
88. Välkommen Till Ekologisk Ekonomi Ecological Economics course, which aims at understanding the connections between environmental issues, economics and the development of society. http://www.eki.mdh.se/ekologiskekonomi/indexeng.htm | |
89. Forum For Economics And The Environment A non-aligned, informal group of individuals with an interest in economics and the environment in southern Africa. http://www.econ4env.co.za/ | |
90. FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei FEEM is a nonprofit, research institution devoted to the study of sustainable development and global governance. It provides analysis on a wide range of environmental, energy and global economic issues. http://www.feem.it |
91. Resources For The Future - RFF.org A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research - rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues. http://www.rff.org/ |
92. EEN Homepage, ANU EEN promotes collaboration, integration, innovation, learning and research in environmental, ecological and resource economics in the Australian National University. Provides information about seminars, papers, courses, researchers and additional links. http://een.anu.edu.au/ | |
93. Tradable Permits Bibliography General background and applications of tradable permits to air, fishing and other areas. Compiled by Tom Tietenberg. http://www.colby.edu/personal/t/thtieten/trade.html | |
94. Madras School Of Economics Post-graduate teaching center in Chennai, India. Includes details of current research into pollution control, toxic chemicals, and offshore ecology. http://www.mse.ac.in | |
95. Emco2 Analyzer, AnaSoft Inc : Emco2 Analyzer - GreenHouse Gas Emission Analyzer Automated application produced by Anasoft, Inc. for collection and analysis of data for carbon dioxide emission (greenhouse gas emission). http://www.anasoft.net/emco2/ | |
96. European Program GENEDEC Genedec aims at assessing the proposed decoupling of direct payments. Program description, papers, and contact information. http://www.grignon.inra.fr/economie-publique/genedec/eng/home.htm |
97. Resource Dimensions Consultant firm specializing in complex environmental, land use, conservation, community development, energy and transportation issues, based in Gig Harbor, WA. http://www.ecologicalecon.com/ | |
98. The Environmental Valuation And Cost Benefit Website Assists in quantification of costs and benefits of environmental amenities and disamenities, offering surveys, links, glossaries, and news. http://www.costbenefitanalysis.org |
99. Environmental Valuation & Cost-Benefit News Estimates the economic impacts of environment hazards and real estate projects. Sponsored by Damage Valuation Associates, which publishes empirical and regulatory developments. http://envirovaluation.org/ |
100. Headwaters Economics Nonprofit Regional Economic Research In The Western US And A high-tech nonprofit that offers a unique blend of economic research skills and on-the-ground experience based on over 15 years of work across the western US and Canada. http://www.headwaterseconomics.org/ | |
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