Information compiled by Richard Pressinger, M.Ed., Tampa, FL EMAIL FORM LINK - CLICK HERE not required to be tested for causing subtle neurological damage (memory, personality, behavior etc), effects upon the developing brain during pregnancy, immune system effects, autoimmunity and effects upon the brain's primary defense - the blood brain barrier. The majority of information at CHEM-TOX has been attained from research from the University of Florida and University of South Florida Medical Libraries. Every attempt has been made to provide information clearly and accurately - The medical/scientific journal name and date, along with the university and scientists involved in the research are listed with each article. Questions or comments - use our EMAIL FORM LINK CLICK TOPIC BELOW FOR DETAILS Common pesticides used in homes and lawns are now being shown in medical research to accelerate aging of the immune and nervous system resulting in serious health problems years after exposure. Companies which use these chemicals include TruGreen - ChemLawn - Orkin and others. The majority of the public still believes these chemicals are completely tested by the government. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Chemical companies do their own testing and submit the results to the EPA for review - setting up the potential for "selective" reporting. Of significant concern, agriculture and consumer use pesticides are not currently required to be tested for subtle neurological effects (i.e. memory, depression, behavior) - child learning disorders - pregnancy developmental studies and immune system effects (i.e. lower white blood counts - increased infection rates and autoimmunity). | |