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21. Noise noise is a business invention agency that creates and markets new businesses, brands, platforms and programs for companies targeting the young adult market. http://noisenewyork.com/ | |
22. Music And Audio Blog By NoiseAddicts: Audio And Music News noiseAddicts is a Music and Audio virtual magazine. This music blog is for anyone who is interested in music, audio technology, musicians, musical instruments or audiorelated http://www.noiseaddicts.com/ | |
23. Power Acoustics - Power Plant Noise Control And Industry Acoustical Consultants Provides consulting services in acoustics and noise control for industrial applications with specialization in the power generation industry. Environmental noise prediction software is also available. http://poweracoustics.com/ | |
24. Noise: Definition From Answers.com The intensity of unwanted sound, or the magnitude of unwanted currents or voltages, averaged over a specified frequency range and time interval, and weighted with frequency in http://www.answers.com/topic/noise-level-1 |
25. Traffic Noise: Road, Street, Highway & Freeway Noise Impact Control For Homes Re Traffic noise Organization provides information about the impact of excessive traffic noise to homes, residences, businesses schools. Reducing traffic noise can improve work http://trafficnoise.org/ | |
26. .:: Welcome To PDA Acoustic Consultants::. Architectural Acoustics • Environme Acoustic and noise consultants covering architectural, mechanical and environmental noise areas and offering expert analysis and advice. http://www.pdaltd.com/ | |
27. Noise - Definition Of Noise By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclo noise (noiz) n. 1. a. Sound or a sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired. b. Sound or a sound of any kind The only noise was the wind in the pines. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/noise |
28. NoiseMP3.com - MP3 Files By Harshnoise Artists noiseMP3.com is the home of the Harshnoise music label and also serves as a digital archive of noise music in MP3 format by some of the world's finest noise artists. http://noisemp3.com/ |
29. Noise Consultants, Acoustic Consultant, Vibration Consultants: Rupert Taylor Ltd Consultants in acoustics, noise and vibration specializing in railway noise and vibration, particularly computer modeling. http://www.ruperttaylor.com/ |
30. Noise - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noise |
31. Hankard Environmental - Acoustics And Vibration Consulting noise and vibration consultants. Solutions to all types of noise and vibration problems. http://hankardenvironmental.com | |
32. Noise On Myspace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads Myspace profile for noise. Find friends, share photos, keep in touch with classmates, and meet new people on Myspace. http://www.myspace.com/noise1 |
33. BKL Consultants Ltd. - Consultants In Acoustics Provide a wide range of objective and independent design services in acoustics, noise and vibration control, and environmental impact noise analysis. http://www.bkl.ca/ |
34. NIOSH Mining: Noise Topic Page | CDC/NIOSH NIOSH Mining Topic Page noise noise is both a health and safety threat to miners. The main health effect of overexposure to loud noise is permanent hearing loss cause by damage to http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/topics/topicpage6.htm | |
35. Roth Acoustical Associates noise control consultants providing assistance with industrial, architectural, community and product noise control and acoustic issues. http://www.rothacoustics.com/ |
36. Noise - The World Ends With You Wiki - Pins, Characters, Guides, And More The noise are a race of beings, summoned physical forms of Soul bound to a Pin, incarnated between the Underground and Realground planes of Shibuya. Because they straddle the http://twewy.wikia.com/wiki/Noise | |
37. Kinetics Noise Control, Room Acoustics, Vibration Isolation, Seismic Restraint Manufacture noise absorbers, stack silencers, vibration isolation and seismic restraint products. http://www.kineticsnoise.com/ |
38. Noisecom | A Leading Manufacturer Of RF And Microwave Noise Generation A leading manufacturer of RF and Microwave AWG noise generation equipment for use as a precision reference level, secure signal jamming device, or telecommunication signal http://noisecom.com/ | |
39. E.I. Williams Industries - Designers & Manufacturers Of Noise Enclosures And Ind Manufacturers and designers of industrial silencers and noise enclosures for industrial noise pollution. http://www.eiwilliams.com |
40. Noise - Wiktionary Various sounds, usually unwanted. He knew that it was trash day, when the garbage collectors made all the noise. Sound or signal generated by random fluctuations http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/noise | |
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