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41. Hush The Bus A group of Hong Kong residents fed up with noise pollution from televisions pumping out noise and ads on commuter buses. http://www.hush-the-bus.com | |
42. NOISE | Official Film Site | Madman Cinema The Official noise Website. In Cinemas 2007. http://noisethefilm.com/ | |
43. NoiseNet - Fast Noise And Vibration Information In The UK Mainly a business directory, but also a source of good information. http://www.noisenet.org | |
44. Safety And Health Topics: Noise And Hearing Conservation Highlights California Wildfires Keeping Workers Safe During Clean Up and Recovery Operations. OSHA. Includes links to OSHA fact sheets QuickCards, related Safety and Health http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/noisehearingconservation/index.html | |
45. No Boom Cars Louisville KY - Boom Car noise pollution in Louisville is out of control, we demand enforcement of the new noise ordinance http://www.noboomers.com |
46. NOISE Advertising Agency Branding Social Media Interactive Web Public Relations Amp your success. Go ahead. Turn it up. Wake the neighbors. Wake the dead. Rock your travel, tourism, health care, entertainment, retail, real estate, food, beverage http://make-noise.com/ | |
47. NoiseOFF - The Coalition Against Noise Pollution - Home Coalition of world citizens combating noise pollution blighting communities everywhere. http://www.noiseoff.org/ | |
48. NIOSH Topic: Noise And Hearing Loss Prevention | CDC/NIOSH NIOSH Topic Page collection about noise and hearing loss prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/noise/ | |
49. QuietDC Focuses on noise problems in the Washington, DC Metro area http://www.adlerbooks.com/noise.html | |
50. Noise Synonyms, Noise Antonyms | Thesaurus.com noun sound that is loud or not harmonious. Synonyms babble , babel, bang , bedlam noun sound quality. Synonyms echo , noise , sound , sound properties, sound transmission http://thesaurus.com/browse/noise |
51. Home Details of a political party dedicated to solving the problem of aircraft noise in Sydney, Australia. http://www.noaircraftnoise.org.au |
52. Noise: Digital Imaging: Glossary: Learn: Digital Photography Review noise Digital Imaging Glossary Learn Digital Camera Digital Photography http://www.dpreview.com/learn/?/Glossary/Digital_Imaging/Noise_01.htm |
53. Airport Noise Law A central source of information on airport noise, including regulatory law, bibliographies, links to organizations. http://airportnoiselaw.org/ | |
54. Noise() \ Language (API) \ Processing 1.0 Processing is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas. It is a context for learning fundamentals of computer programming within the context of the electronic arts. http://processing.org/reference/noise_.html |
55. Active Noise Control Research results and software tools for using smart materials in active noise control. Active noise control and noise cancellation solutions for acoustic problems brought to you by Signal Systems Corporation. http://www.signalsystemscorp.com/ancindex.htm | |
56. Noise Introduction. Aircraft noise is hardly a new subject as evidenced by the following note received by a predecessor of United Airlines in about 1927. http://adg.stanford.edu/aa241/noise/noise.html | |
57. Noise Abatement Society : Splash The noise Abatement Society (NAS) promotes ways to combat antisocial noise. The Society s annual John Connell Awards recognize local initiatives to address noise complaints. http://www.noiseabatementsociety.com/ |
58. What Is Noise? Definition From WhatIs.com noise. Also see audio noise. noise is unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that degrades the quality of signals and data. noise occurs in digital and analog systems http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci212667,00.html | |
59. AOPA Online: The Noise Police Are Here, Article in magazine of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association discusses problems for general aviation caused by increasing noise regulations, tips to pilots for keeping noise levels down, and efforts to avoid having local airports shut down. http://www.aopa.org/pilot/features/2001/noise0108.html | |
60. The Issue: Playground Noise - Features - TES Connect Raucous playgrounds can annoy a school’s neighbours, but rules on acceptable noise levels are far from clear To the ears of John Thorpe, head of Saints Osmund and Andrew RC http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6061817 |
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