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41. Cat Scratch Disease Cat scratch disease Definition Cat scratch disease is a disease caused by bartonella bacteria. It is believed to be transmitted by cat scratches and bites, or exposure to cat http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/infectiousdiseases/Cat-scratch-disease.htm |
42. Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonellosis) ~ Pawprints And Purrs, Inc. Bartonellosis, also known as 'Cat Scratch Disease' or 'Cat Scratch Fever', is an infectious disease of humans. Evidence is increasing that perhaps the cat becomes infected with http://www.sniksnak.com/cathealth/catscratch.html |
43. What Is Cat Scratch Disease? Cat scratch disease is an infectious illness caused by the bacteria bartonella. It is believed to be transmitted by cat scratches, bites, or exposure to cat saliva. http://www.medhelp.org/medical-information/show/1870/Cat-scratch-disease |
44. The Cat Group Cat Scratch Disease Cat scratch disease (CSD) was first defined as a human disease in 1931, and the term 'cat scratch disease' was adopted in 1950. It is a bacterial infection that occurs throughout http://www.fabcats.org/cat_group/policy_statements/catscratch.html |
45. Cat Scratch Disease Penn State Children's Hospital provides world class care and services to patients. http://www.hmc.psu.edu/childrens/healthinfo/c/catscratch.htm |
46. Cat Scratch Disease Doctor Patient UK Cat scratch disease is an infection following the scratch of a cat (usually a kitten) with the organism Bartonella henselae, formerly known as Roch http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40002245/ |
47. Cat Scratch Disease Cat Scratch Disease Has Identification of The Causative Agent Been Solved? Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) was first recognized more than 60 http://www.addl.purdue.edu/newsletters/1996/winter/catscracth.shtml |
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