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81. Cataracts In order to see sharply and clearly, light must pass into the eye through a crystalclear lens. A loss of transparency, or clouding, of the normally clear lens is what is referred http://www.innvista.com/health/ailments/eyeail/cataract.htm |
82. Cataracts HealthWise KnowledgeBase is the PAMF health encyclopedia covering thousands of topics on health and drug related issues. http://www.pamf.org/health/healthinfo/index.cfm?section=healthinfo&page=arti |
83. Cataracts - Causes Of Vision Impairment - Understanding Vision cataracts prevent light from easily passing through the lens of the eye, resulting in potential vision loss. Learn facts, possible signs, and treatments at http://www.afb.org/seniorsite.asp?SectionID=63&TopicID=286&DocumentID=31 |
84. Cataracts Feb 20, 2000 Complete and organized information, diagrams and animations about cataract and its treatment. http://www.clinicareinoso.com/conditns/cataract.htm |
85. Cataracts After the cataract operation, when the faulty lens has been replaced with an artificial lens, clear vision should be possible. However, a refractive error http://www.myopia.org/cataracts.htm |
86. Cataracts A cataract is a clouding or opaque area over the lens of the eye an area that is normally transparent. As this thickening occurs, it prevents light rays http://www.chw.org/display/PPF/DocID/22354/router.asp |
87. Dog Cataracts – Canine Cataract Eye Drops Dog cataract canine cataract reversal using NAcetyl-Carnosine Can-C Cataract Eye Drops. Buy Canine - Dog Cataract Eye Drops safely securely online. http://www.wisechoicemedicine.net/store/information.php?info_id=13 |
88. Crystalens - Don T Just See. See Better. Cataract Surgery Options It s estimated that 20.5 million Americans over the age of 40 have cataracts a clouding of the eye s natural lens that impairs one s ability to see http://www.crystalens.com/ |
89. Cataract Eye Drops - Ethos Bright Eyes NAC Eye-drops For Cataracts Cataract eye drops Daily Mail newspaper feature about Bright Eyes NAC eye drops cataracts trial on TV featuring Ethos Endymion Bright Eyes NAC http://ethos.ag/ |
90. Overview Of Cataracts - Cataracts - Vision Channel Aug 24, 2010 A cataract is the clouding or opacity that develops in the eye s lens. Information for patients about types of cataracts, causes for http://vision.healthcommunities.com/cataracts/overview-of-cataracts.shtml |
91. Anti-depressants Bring Higher Risk Of Developing Cataracts Mar 8, 2010 Some antidepressant drugs are associated with an increased chance of developing cataracts, according to a new statistical study. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100308151100.htm |
92. Eye Care And Cataract Treatment cataracts? Eye Problems? (239)9368686 Snead Cataract can help! Come see us in Fort Myers, Naples, Sanibel, Bonita Springs and Bonita Springs. http://www.sneadcataract.com/ |
93. PGCFA - Cataracts Mar 23, 2008 Cataract a page describing the medical condition in simple terms. http://www.pgcfa.org/cataract.htm |
94. Smoking Can Lead To Blindness Smoking and macular degeneration, cataracts, loss of hearing, and loss of night vision. http://www.mdsupport.org/library/nosmoke.html |
95. Cataracts - ACVO Definition cataracts are opacities in the lens of the eye. Many people mistakenly think the cloudiness is on the surface (thought to be a film on the http://www.acvo.org/public/cataracts.htm |
96. All About Cataracts Bausch Lomb, a global eye health company, today announced a new program called “See Better and Save” that enables cataract patients who have the http://www.allaboutcataracts.com/ |
97. Eye Surgery Education Council Provides information for patients, families, and other consumers. Includes details of laser vision correction, cataracts, and glaucoma. http://www.lasikinstitute.org/ |
98. Lens GDDB The human lens genetic disease database. Database of known genetic diseases in humans that affect the lens of the eye, generally causing inherited cataracts. http://ken.mitton.com/ern/lensbase.html |
99. Cataracts - IVillage Keep your lenses clear by limiting the damage that causes cataracts, a condition that produces cloudiness in the eyes. According to research or other http://www.ivillage.com/cataracts/4-y-88719 |
100. Cataracts Connecticut Cataract Surgery LASIK Surgery Macular Cataract Surgery Lens Implants, LASIK, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic RetinopathySpector Eye Care-New Vision Cataract Laser http://www.spectoreye.com/ |
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