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101. Up The Cataracts Of The Nile Etext of the story. From the Modern History Sourcebook. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1875nile.html |
102. Fight For Sight Irish charity promoting eyecare awareness and the prevention of sight loss, with information on eye diseases including AMD, cataracts, Diabetic Retinophaty and Retinitis Pigmentosa. http://www.fightforsight.ie |
103. Angeles Vision Clinic - What Is A Cataract? Brief overview. Includes symptoms, treatments, and photographs. http://www.avclinic.com/Cataract.htm |
104. Cataracte.com Quelques l ments sur le traitement chirurgical de la maladie. http://www.cataracte.com/ |
105. Cataract Surgery Covers extracapsular extraction and phacoemulsification with diagrams and animation. http://www.clinicareinoso.com/conditns/qx_cat.htm |
106. Eye Surgery - Cataract And Epiretinal Membrane Personal experience and illustrations obtained during eye surgeries under local anestesia. http://www.magma.ca/~scimat/eyesurgery.htm |
107. Cataract Sep 16, 2010 A website dedicated to giving you information about cataract, how it affects your eyesight, and what you can do to improve your vision. http://www.cataract.com/ |
108. Cataract Information From Harvard Eye Associates Information, including symptoms, cause, prevention, and treatment are reviewed along with details on surgery, including risks, activity restrictions, and expected visual outcome. http://www.harvardeye.com/cataract.html |
109. Cataracte L Organisation mondiale de la sant (OMS) propose des liens conduisant ses ressources sur le sujet. http://www.who.int/topics/cataract/ |
110. Chirurgie De La Cataracte Le docteur Damien Gatinel pr sente la maladie, ses sympt mes et le traitement. http://www.gatinel.com/chirurgie-de-la-cataracte/ |
111. Cataracte Santeweb de Mediscope propose son article r dig pour le grand public. http://www.santeweb.ch/santeweb/Maladies/khb.php?Cataracte&khb_lng_id=2&khb_cont |
112. Cataracte Passeport Sant pr sente la maladie, ses sympt mes et ses cons quences. http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Maux/Problemes/Fiche.aspx?doc=cataracte_pm |
113. Cataracte Info Service Le Dr Marc Chemla pr sente les signes et de l volution de la maladie, description de l op ration et des suites op ratoires. http://www.cataracte-info-service.fr/ |
114. Cataracte Sant AZ propose de fiches synth tiques sur cette maladie et pathologies connexes. http://sante-az.aufeminin.com/w/sante/s380/maladies/cataracte.html |
115. European Society Of Cataract And Refractive Surgeons A forum for discussion, learning and the development of cataract and refractive surgery with its issues. http://www.escrs.org/ |
116. Journal Of Cataract And Refractive Surgery Deals all about updates in cataract and refractive disorders. http://www.jcrsjournal.org/ |
117. FloridaCataract.com - Cataract And Refractive Institute Of Florida The Cataract and Refractive Institute of Florida is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of all eye problems. http://www.floridacataract.com/ |
118. Cataracte L Organisation mondiale de la sant (OMS) pr sente son dossier sur cette maladie oculaire prioritaire. http://www.who.int/blindness/causes/priority/fr/index1.html |
119. Cataracte Pr sente la maladie, son diagnostic et son traitement. Questions d examen, r f rentiel national, Universit de Rouen. http://www.univ-rouen.fr/servlet/com.univ.utils.LectureFichierJoint?CODE=165&LAN |
120. Cataracte Le Corpus m dical de la Facult de m decine de l universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble pr sente les cours. http://www-sante.ujf-grenoble.fr/sante/corpus/disciplines/ophtalmo/baissevision/ |
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