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41. Compulsive Gambling Center – Take The First Step To Recovery Professional, licensed therapists individualize intensive treatment designed to put gambler on path to a fast recovery; financial aid available. http://www.compulsivegamblingcenter.com/ |
42. Community Service Of Missouri, Inc. Offers free compulsive gambling counseling in St Louis, Jefferson, St. Charles and other Missouri counties. http://dwiprograms.com/id32.htm |
43. Gambling Help And Referral Offers information, listening and support on compulsive gambling as well as referrals in Quebec, Canada. http://www.jeu-aidereference.qc.ca/www/homepage_en.asp |
44. Compulsive Gambling - MT Dept Of Justice Overview of compulsive gambling and how to get help in Montana. http://www.doj.mt.gov/gaming/compulsivegambling.asp |
45. Hope House In Mayo, Ireland offering residential treatment and aftercare support to those suffering from alcohol and substance abuse as well as compulsive gambling. http://homepage.tinet.ie/~hopehouse/index.htm |
46. Compulsive Gambling Facts And Gambling Addiction Statistics • More than 80 percent of U.S. adults have reportedly gambled at least once in the past year and have done so responsibly. Approximately one percent of adults (two million http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION&Rev |
47. Compulsive Gambling For many people, gambling can be a harmless form of entertainment. But when gambling goes from a recreation to an obsession, it becomes a problem. http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVERSION&Rev |
48. PsychSouthwest Counseling And Behavioral Health Services Offering counseling and psychological services, including treatment for addictions, compulsive gambling, and smoking. Includes staff credentials and publications. http://psychsouthwest.com |
49. First Step Recovery Wellness Center Compulsive Gambling Evaluation, education and treatment for alcohol/other drug abuse and dependency, problem gambling, eating disorders, and Internet addiction. Individual, group, and family http://www.firststeprecovery.com/gambling.html |
50. Iona Welcome Page Iona College. A Small Theological College and Centre for Compulsive Gambling Counsellor Training. Windsor, Essex County, Ontario http://www.ionacollege.edu/ |
51. Special Topics Compulsive Gambling Compulsive Gambling. This purpose of this article is to provide general information on issues related to gambling, but is not meant to replace consultation with a mental health http://eao.wisc.edu/topics/compulsive-gambling.html |
52. Compulsive Gambling - Women's Health Conditions A-Z - EmpowHER.com Free Newsletter. Receive the latest and greatest in women's health and wellness from EmpowHER! http://www.empowher.com/condition/compulsive-gambling |
53. Compulsive Gambling An essay or paper on Compulsive Gambling. If you are a betting man (or woman), America is the place for you. From megalopolis gambling cities like Las Vegas and Atlantic City http://www.lotsofessays.com/viewpaper/1685237.html |
54. SoberRecovery Compulsive Gambling - Drug And Alcohol Treatment AZCCG Home Page Arizona Council on Compulsive Gambling, Inc. California Council on Problem Gambling Nonprofit, public benefit educational site dedicated to assisting problem http://www.soberrecovery.com/links/gamblingaddiction.html |
55. Compulsive Gambling Psychology Today Definition of Compulsive Gambling A compulsive, or pathological, gambler is someone who is unable to resist his or her impulses to gamble. This leads to severe personal and http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/compulsive-gambling |
56. Compulsive Gambling Compulsive gambling — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes and treatments for this impulsecontrol disorder. http://edition.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/compulsive-gambling/DS00443.html |
57. Your Health - Compulsive Gambling Ask the Librarian! Our librarians will help you research a specific health topic Conditions InDepth A reference guide to more than 100 health and medical conditions http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourhealth/healthgate/getcontent.asp?URLhealthga |
58. Compulsive Gambling Psychiatry At NYU Langone Medical Center Compulsive gambling is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by an overwhelming urge to gamble. In compulsive gambling, your life becomes dominated by gambling http://psych.med.nyu.edu/conditions-we-treat/conditions/compulsive-gambling |
59. Health NJ - Compulsive Gambling - Somerset Medical, Somerville Compulsive Gambling Health Library courtesy of Somerset Medical Center, a Central New Jersey Hospital in Somerset County, Somerville, NJ - Compulsive gambling is an impulse http://www.somersetmedicalcenter.com/131108.cfm |
60. Compulsive Gambling Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Research Compulsive Gambling and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/101238469 |
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