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1. Cystic Hygroma - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A cystic hygroma is a congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion that can arise anywhere, but is classically found in the left posterior triangle of the neck. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cystic_hygroma |
2. Cystic Hygroma FS_021.2_2008 Cystic Hygroma 2008 All rights reserved. Cystic hygromas are fluidfilled sacs that result from a blockage in the lymphatic system. http://genetics.emory.edu/pdf/Emory_Human_Genetics_Cystic_Hygroma.PDF |
3. Cystic Hygroma - Kosmix Reference, Videos, Images, News New Born Surgery In India At Low Cost New Born Surgery In India 1 day ago and Pentalogy of Cantrell Biliary atresia and choledochal cyst Cloacal exstrophy Conjoined http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Cystic_hygroma |
4. Cystic Hygroma - Cystic Hygroma Support - BabyCenter cystic hygroma I am creating this group so that parents in my situation can support each other. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. http://community.babycenter.com/post/a3219645/cystic_hygroma |
5. Lymphedema Cystic Hygroma Cystic Hygroma . Related Terms Lymphatic dysplasia, cystic swelling, hydroma, cervical hygroma, hygroma colli cysticum, hygroma of the neck, hygroma axillare, hygroma of the http://www.lymphedemapeople.com/thesite/lymphedema_cystic_hygroma.htm |
6. Cystic Hygroma Overview - References, Advice, News, Videos, Coping Learn more about Cystic Hygroma. Find the Web's best health guides, medical reports, news, videos and tools for Cystic Hygroma. Share Cystic Hygroma experiences and get advice http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Cystic_hygroma |
7. Cystic Hygroma Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments And Causes Cystic Hygroma information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/c/cystic_hygroma/intro.htm |
8. Inherited Health - Cystic Hygroma Alternative Names; Symptoms Characteristics; Treatment; How Common Is It? Genetics Inheritance; Genetic Testing; Support More Information; Alternative Names http://www.inheritedhealth.com/condition/Cystic_Hygroma/111 |
9. Cystic Hygroma - Pregnancy - BabyCenter Cystic Hygroma I want to see just how many women there are out there that have had a fetal diagnosis of cystic hyroma(s) and what http://community.babycenter.com/post/a1193775/cystic_hygroma |
10. Cystic Hygroma An article explaining this disorder and a support group for sharing. http://www.cafamily.org.uk/Direct/c95.html |
11. Cystic Hygroma - Lee Memorial Health System Cystic hygroma Definition A cystic hygroma is a mass that commonly occurs in the head and neck area. It is a birth defect. Alternative Names http://www.leememorial.org/HealthInformation/HIE Multimedia/1/000148.html |
12. Cystic Hygroma EMedicine Pediatrics Surgery Overview First described by Wernher in 1843, cystic hygroma (CH) is a cystic lymphatic lesion that can affect any anatomic subsite in the human body. CH usually affects the http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/994055-overview |
13. Cystic Hygroma A cystic hygroma is a mass that commonly occurs in the head and neck area. It is a birth defect. http://www.stlukes-stl.com/health_content/health_ency/1/000148.htm |
14. Children S Craniofacial Association A national, nonprofit organization, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with facial differences and their families. http://www.ccakids.com |
15. Cystic Hygroma MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia A cystic hygroma is a mass that commonly occurs in the head and neck area. It is a birth defect. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000148.htm |
16. Cystic Hygroma - Shands Healthcare Cystic hygroma Definition A cystic hygroma is a mass that commonly occurs in the head and neck area. It is a birth defect. Alternative Names http://shands.org/health/HIE Multimedia/1/000148.htm |
17. Association Of Birth Defect Children, Inc. Charitable organization started by parents in 1982. http://www.birthdefects.org |
18. CYSTIC HYGROMA History The patient came in for a Level II OB ultrasound at 19 weeks and 6 days gestation. The Level II was ordered because of the patient's advanced maternal age. http://www.mypacs.net/cases/CYSTIC-HYGROMA-863381.html |
19. Cystic Hygroma Imaging EMedicine Radiology Overview Cystic hygroma was first described in 1828 by Radenbacher. Cystic hygroma (meaning moist tumor) belongs to a group of diseases now recognized as lymphatic malformations http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/402757-overview |
20. Understanding Genetics Human Health And The Genome I recently found out I was pregnant with baby 4. My first 2 children are normal, 3 was born with cystic hygroma, I am wondering if this is genetic and the possibilities of this http://www.thetech.org/genetics/ask.php?id=33 |
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