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41. Deafness In Dogs Provides a considerable amount of information on this condition. http://www.gsdhelp.info/ear/deaf.html |
42. Raising Deaf Kids A world of information about deafness and children with hearing loss. http://www.raisingdeafkids.org/ |
43. Deafness - Definition Of Deafness By The Free Online Dictionary deaf (d f) adj. deaf er, deaf est. 1. Partially or completely lacking in the sense of hearing. 2. Deaf Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/deafness |
44. Deaf Websites Includes list of sites pertaining to deafness, sorted by category. http://www.deafwebsites.com |
45. Types And Causes Of Deafness Neural hearing loss (Nerve deafness) occurs when the auditory nerve, which goes from the inner ear to the brain, fails to carry the sound information to the http://library.thinkquest.org/26209/causes.html |
46. Deafness - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis - Ear Health - C deafness is the inability to hear sound. It has many causes and can occur at any age. People can go deaf suddenly as a complication of a virus, or lose their hearing over time http://chealth.canoe.ca/channel_condition_info_details.asp?disease_id=152&ch |
47. Hearing News Deafness News From Medical News Today The latest hearing, deafness news headlines published daily. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/sections/hearing-deafness/ |
48. Center On Deafness The Center On deafness provides a variety of services to the Deaf and hard of hearing community in northern illinois, as well as nationwide. http://www.centerondeafness.org/ |
49. Deafness Help And Information The BellaOnline deafness site is a gathering place for those in the Deaf Community, listing various resources, information pertaining to current events, and inspirational articles http://deafness.bellaonline.com/ |
50. ASPCA Deafness Cat Care deafness deafness in cats is a temporary or permanent loss of hearing that can be caused by infection, certain drugs, ear mites, congenital defects, old age or injuries. http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/cat-care/deafness.html |
51. FreeMD Deafness Definition What is deafness? A person with deafness has some form of hearing loss. Hearing loss usually begins with difficulty hearing highfrequency sounds, such as speech. There are two http://www.freemd.com/deafness/definition.htm |
52. A List Apart Articles Deafness And The User Experience by L Herrod Related articles http://www.alistapart.com/articles/deafnessandtheuserexperience |
53. CSUN Division Of Student Affairs National Center On Deafness Nonprofit organization based at California State University, Northridge providing support services to post-secondary students who are deaf or hard of http://www.csun.edu/ncod/ |
54. Deafness - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia deafness is when someone cannot hear or cannot hear well. There are many famous people who were deaf, such as Ludwig van Beethoven. Many deaf people learn sign language so that http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deafness |
55. Buy Viagra Online - Greater Los Angeles Agency On Deafness, Inc. Greater Los Angeles Council on deafness. Full social service agency, including interpreter referral. Administers NAD evaluation to interpreters. http://www.gladinc.org/ |
56. Deafness Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments And Causes deafness information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis. http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/d/deafness/intro.htm |
57. Deafresources.com - Products For Deaf, Deafness, Hearing Impaired Selling ASLthemed gifts, apparel, assistive devices and games, with illustrated catalog and online ordering. http://www.deafresources.com/ |
58. Deafness Overview - References, Advice, News, Videos, Coping Support Learn more about deafness. Find the Web's best health guides, medical reports, news, videos and tools for deafness. Share deafness experiences and get advice from experts. http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Deafness |
59. Deafness And Hearing Loss Profound deafness occurs in 411 per 10000 children; in at least 50% of these cases, the cause is genetic (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, http://www.nichcy.org/Disabilities/Specific/Pages/DeafnessandHearingLoss.aspx |
60. Hearing Loss MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Hearing problems usually come on gradually, and rarely end in complete deafness. There are many causes of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be divided into two main categories http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003044.htm |
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