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         Deafness:     more books (100)
  1. Reading and deafness by Cynthia M King, Cynthia M. King, et all 1985
  2. Multicultural Issues in Deafness by Kathee M. Christensen, 1992-08
  3. International Directory of Periodicals Related to Deafness by Steven A. Frank, 1985-06
  4. Auditory Training for Deaf Mutism and Acquired Deafness by Victor Urbantschitsch, 1982-06
  5. The Causes of Profound Deafness in Childhood: A Study of 3,535 Individuals with Severe Hearing Loss Present at Birth or of Childhood Onset by Professor George Robert Fraser, 1976-09-01
  6. On A New Mode Of Treating Deafness When Attended By Partial Or Entire Loss Of The Membrana Tympani: Associated Or Not With Discharge From The Ear (1852) by James Yearsley, 2010-05-23
  7. Being Deaf (Course D251: Issues in Deafness) by G. Taylor, R. Meherau, et all 1992-01
  8. Ear Diseases-Deafness & Dizzinss by Goodhill, 1979-06-01
  9. Deafness: And How To Survive It! by Olivia Lee, 2006-05-30
  10. Deaf And Disabled, Or Deafness Disables? (Disability, Human Rights, and Society) by Corker, 1997-12-01
  11. Deafness Practically Illustrated: Being an Exposition of Original Views As to the Causes and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear (Dutch Edition) by James Yearsley, 2010-03-22
  12. The causes and prevention of deafness. Four lectures delivered under the auspices of the National bureau for promoting the general welfare of the deaf by James Kerr Love, Leo Bonn, 2010-09-01
  13. Deafness in Society by Jeffrey E. Nash, Anedith Nash, 1982-01
  14. Deafness in the Adult: What Hearing Loss Means and What Can Be Done to Help (Life Crisis Books) by Winifred Brinson, 1986-09

101. UT Knoxville Center On Deafness
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville was founded in 1794 and was designated the state landgrant institution in 1879. The University now has nearly 26000

102. Profound Deafness In Childhood � NEJM
by A Kral 2010 - Related articles

103. Poetry By Deaf And Hard Of Hearing People
Works by deaf and hard of hearing people, expressing their feelings and experiences with hearing loss.

104. Eastern Athletic Association Of The Deaf
Provides training and athletic competition in a variety of sports to deaf and hard of hearing people.

105. Deaf4Life
Discussion forum and chat board, mainly for deaf people; includes deaf news, deaf sports and forums for ex-students of schools for the deaf.

106. Wikipedia Deaf
Explores the terminology behind the word deaf and its synonyms.

107. The Deaf Resource Library
Aug 29, 2008 Online collection of resource material and links intended to inform about deaf communities and resources in the US and Japan.

108. Danish Deaf Sports Federation
Association contacts and organizational history; primarily in Danish.

109. Midwest Athletic Association Of The Deaf
Contains club, contact and tournament information for the Midwestern United States.

110. Ottawa Deaf Sports Club
Member information, bylaws, teams, leagues, and photographs from this club in Ontario, Canada.

111. Deaf Cricket Australia
News, international and domestic series, history, statistics and photographs.

112. National Raquetball Association Of The Deaf
History, board members and events.

113. National Bass Association Of The Deaf
News, daily standings, reports, tournaments and about the organization.

114. Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center
Laurent Clerc CenterLaurent Clerc National Deaf Center.

115. California Deaf Bassmasters Club
Gallery, board, members, hall of fame, and events.

116. Kentucky Deaf Golfers Association
Offers newsletter, membership, contact information, history, and bylaws.

117. Deaf Basketball Australia
News, teams, national and international competitions.

118. Aussie Deaf Kids
Stories and advice for deaf children and their families.

119. M Sdeux
Film production company focuses on educating the deaf and those interested in deaf awareness.

120. Australian Deaf Sports Federation
Information about national and international competitions for the deaf, the federation s organization, and national and states sports contacts.

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