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41. Epilepsy Foundation Of Greater Cincinnati Since 1953, the epilepsy Foundation of Greater Cincinnati has been responding to the needs of people with epilepsy by providing quality and innovative services. http://www.cincinnatiepilepsy.org/ |
42. Seizures And Epilepsy Hope Through Research National Institute Information booklet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/epilepsy/detail_epilepsy.htm |
43. Epilepsy epilepsy Highlights. Suicide Risk and Antiepileptic Drugs. In 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it will require warnings about suicidal risks to http://adam.about.com/reports/Epilepsy.htm |
44. Epilepsy Foundation Of Southeast Wisconsin The epilepsy Foundation of Southeast Wisconsin is a state-wide agency dedicated to helping to improve the quality of life for people affected by epilepsy. http://www.epilepsyfoundationsewi.org/ |
45. Epilepsy - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Of Epilepsy - NY Times Mar 29, 2009 epilepsy is a brain disorder involving repeated, spontaneous seizures of any type. Seizures ( fits, convulsions) are episodes of disturbed http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/epilepsy/overview.html |
46. Canine Epilepsy Aimed about informing the animal care practitioner about epilepsy in dogs by Vetstream. http://www.canineepilepsy.co.uk/ |
47. Epilepsy MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia epilepsy is a brain disorder involving repeated, spontaneous seizures seizures of any type. Seizures ( fits, convulsions) are episodes of disturbed brain function that cause http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000694.htm |
48. Canine Epilepsy Network Resource for all those concerned with canine epilepsy. Site sponsored by the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. http://www.canine-epilepsy.net/ |
49. Keep Kids Healthy Information about seizures and epilepsy. Includes testing, types and further resources. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/conditions/seizures_epilepsy.html |
50. Epilepsy - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia epilepsy is a chronic condition of the brain. It is characterised by seizures that do not seem to have an obvious cause. The condition is very common; about 50 million people http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epilepsy |
51. Epilepsy - ARC epilepsy information from ARC of Wichita, Kansas http://www.arc-sedgwickcounty.org/ERC.html |
52. Epilepsy News From Medical News Today The latest epilepsy news headlines published daily. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/sections/epilepsy/ |
53. Canine Epilepsy by A WiersmaAylward - Related articles http://www.k9web.com/dog-faqs/medical/epilepsy.html |
54. Epilepsy Providing education, information and support services for those affected by epilepsy. http://www.efeasttn.org/ |
55. TBInet Epilepsy Links The Brain Injury Information Network - epilepsy links page http://www.tbinet.org/epil.htm |
56. Canine Epilepsy Resources Information and discussion about canine epilepsy and seizure. http://www.canine-epilepsy.com/ |
57. CURE Citizens United For Research In Epilepsy CURE Citizens United for Research in epilepsy CURE Citizens United for Research in epilepsy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for epilepsy by http://www.cureepilepsy.org/home.asp |
58. European Epilepsy Academy Professional organization coordinating epilepsy research throughout Europe. http://www.eurepa.de/ |
59. Epilepsy Define Epilepsy At Dictionary.com –noun Pathology . a disorder of the nervous system , characterized either by mild, episodic loss of attention or sleepiness (petit mal) or by severe convulsions with loss of http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/epilepsy |
60. Indian Epilepsy Association Informs about the activities of the association and provides general information about epilepsy. http://indianepilepsyassociation.ap.nic.in/ |
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