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81. Ellen S Broken Jaw Tips Describes how to cope with eating with a wired jaw. http://home.roadrunner.com/~bjaw/ |
82. GameSpy Provides information, screenshots, and a preview. http://ps3.gamespy.com/playstation-3/day-1-action-project/ |
83. IGN Video, screenshots, previews, news, and a message board. http://ps3.ign.com/objects/814/814910.html |
84. GameZone Provides information, news, screenshots, and links. http://ps3.gamezone.com/gamesell/p32458.htm |
85. Fracture Un article de l encyclop die libre en ligne Wikip dia. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fracture |
86. La Fracture Num Rique Dans Le Monde Et Ses Cons Quences Futures Des tudiants de l Universit Laval tentent de d finir le concept, de d crire les causes et cons quences et de pr senter les solutions envisag es ou d j entreprises. http://etudiants.fsa.ulaval.ca/projet/gie-64375/fracture/ |
87. EMedicine Health - Boxer S Fracture Consumer health resource center providing information on causes, symptoms, and treatments. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/4585-1.asp |
88. EMedicine Health - Vertebral Compression Fracture Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this disorder. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/5822-1.asp |
89. Applied Paleomagnetics, Inc. Offering Paleomagnetic core orientation and paleomagnetic services including paleomagnetic fracture orientation, fracture studies in fractured reservoirs, and paleomagnetic orientation of in-situ stress. http://www.appliedpaleomagnetics.com/ |
90. Fracture A Fractal Screensaver Fracture is a screensaver for Mac OS X that can generate a wide variety of fractal images, including the Mandelbrot Set, Julia sets, Self-Squared Dragons, and Attraction Basin fractals. http://www.sticksoftware.com/software/Fracture.html |
91. Une Double Fracture Num Rique Enqu te de Fabrice Le Guel, Thierry P nard et Rapha l Suire, du Centre de recherche en conomie et en management de l Universit de Rennes, mettant en vidence l existence d une fracture num rique cognitive ou d usage, s ajoutant celle plus connue de l acc s. http://www.perso.univ-rennes1.fr/fabrice.le-guel/DoubleFracture.pdf |
92. La Fracture Num Rique Existe-t-elle? Article traduit par Eric Guichard pr sentant et mettant en question le concept et la r alit de l existence d une fracture num rique. Il introduit notamment l id e de l existence d une fracture cognitive. http://barthes.ens.fr/atelier/geo/Tilburg.html |
93. D Couvrir La Fracture Num Rique Version lectronique d une tude r alis e par George Sciadas, galement publi par Statistique Canada en octobre 2002. http://www.statcan.ca/francais/research/56F0004MIF/56F0004MIF2002007.pdf |
94. De La Fracture Num Rique L Inclusion Sociale Num ro sp cial de la lettre Emerit (trimestriel d information sur l valuation des choix technologiques) portant sur l e-inclusion et s int ressant plus particuli rement la fracture en Wallonie. http://www.ftu-namur.org/fichiers/Emerit39.pdf |
95. La Fracture Culturelle Interface De La Fracture Num Rique? Synth se d une communication faite l Universit d t d Hourtin et r dig e par Ahmed Moatassime, s int ressant aux effets de l acc s la culture facilit par les nouvelles technologies et aux in galit s que cela peut engendrer. http://www.africanti.org/IMG/colloque/colloque2003/Communications/MOATASSIME1.pd |
96. Frontsideback Rants, webcam, gallery, and fractured quotes. http://www.mikefeldstein.net |
97. EMedicine Health - Broken Elbow Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatments. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/4607-1.asp |
98. EMedicine Health - Elbow Dislocation Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/5085-1.asp |
99. EMedicine Health - Broken Arm Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/8895-1.asp |
100. EMedicine Health - Broken Collarbone Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/8917-1.asp |
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