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61. Healthopedia.com - Heart Diseases The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. http://www.healthopedia.com/heart-diseases.html |
62. The National Heart Foundation Information, news, and events. http://www.nhf.org.nz/ |
63. Heart Disease News And Articles Natural Lifestyle Changes Cut Diabetes and Heart Disease Risk, Assist Weight Loss Goals 10/22/2010 Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the US as new cases continue http://www.naturalnews.com/heart_disease.html |
64. Rheumatic Heart Disease Learn about this condition where the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever. Includes symptoms, prevention, and treatment. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4709 |
65. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Article on diet, exercise and supplements and their role in preventing and treating heart disease, by Elson M. Haas MD. http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?ID=1917 |
66. Heart Diseases Community Support Group Health Information And Heart diseases are disorders that prevent the heart from functioning normally. The most common cause of heart disease is coronary artery disease. Other causes include http://communities.healia.com/?q=communities/heart-diseases |
67. Preventive Medicine Research Institute Presents Dr. Dean Ornish s lifestyle modification program for the prevention and reversal of heart disease. http://www.pmri.org/ |
68. LIST OF HEART DISEASES List of heart diseases. Proven information on the human heart including diagrams of the human heart, heart disease, statistics, what happens during a heart attack, heart http://listofheartdiseases.com/ |
69. St. Jude Medical Glossary Of Heart-Related Medical Terms Glossary of medical terms related to cardiovascular disorders, heart disease, and heart valves. http://www.sjm.com/globals/glossary.aspx |
70. AllExperts Heart And Cardiology Q A Experts volunteer to answer questions related to heart disease. http://www.allexperts.com/browse.cgi?catLvl=3&catID=964 |
71. Cardiologist UK Dr Diana R Holdright explains about angina, heart disease and cardiological investigations and treatments. Also some details about herself and contact information. http://www.cardiologist.uk.com |
72. Hershey Hearts A support group for families of children with congenital heart disease. Information about the group and meeting schedules. http://www.hersheyhearts.org |
73. Heart Diseases And You - By Dr. Rose Windale The very lifeblood of the our existence is our heart. As such, caring for the body meant caring more to the heart while putting up safeguards versus heart diseases and heart http://www.healthzine.org/Heart-disease/heart-diseases |
74. Mended Hearts, Inc. Cardiac support group offering help, support, and encouragement to heart disease patients and their families. http://www.mendedhearts.org/ |
75. Heart Diseases LIVESTRONG.COM Heart Diseases. Lifestyle, fitness health information about Heart Diseases. Infant Heart Diseases, Children's Heart Diseases, Common Heart Diseases, Chronic Heart Diseases http://www.livestrong.com/heart-diseases/ |
76. The Women Heart Community Online support group where women with heart disease can make friends, ask questions, and share stories. http://womenheart.clinicahealth.com |
77. Sitemap - Heart Disease Information Sitemap of the articles available on Heart Disease Information Sitemap. Understanding the Nature of Congenital Heart Disease; Minimizing the Risk Factors for Developing http://www.heart-diseases.org/sitemap.php |
78. Congenital Heart Diseases Their Study And Treatment A most complete manual, text and graphics by Oliver W. Caminos M.D. (1999) http://www.redtail.net/owc |
79. Heart Diseases Right Vita - Your Online Vitamin Resource Heart diseases are really a problem these days. We see so many people getting sick that we have to properly understand what we might be dealing with. http://www.rightvita.com/heart-diseases |
80. Resources From California State University Very list of congenital heart diseases with links to sites dealing with that particular disease. Information to help parents and provide support. http://www.csun.edu/~hcmth011/heart/ |
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