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1. Heart Transplantation - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Perkins is the first heart transplant recipient to climb to the peaks of Mt. Fuji, Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Matterhorn, Mt. Whitney, and Cajon de Arenales in Argentina in 2007, 12 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_transplantation |
2. Heart Transplant Surgery And Procedure Information By MedicineNet Learn about heart transplant, the replacement of a person's heart with a healthy donor's heart. Complications include health of the patient, donor availability, and organ http://www.medicinenet.com/heart_transplant/article.htm |
3. British Heart Foundation - Heart Transplant Most heart transplants are carried out on people who have severe heart failure. http://www.bhf.org.uk/living_with_a_heart_condition/treatment/having_heart_surge |
4. Heart Transplants Ochsner Health System New Orleans, LA Ochsner’s Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplant Program was the first Medicareapproved heart transplant program in Louisiana and in the year 2000, completed its 500th heart http://www.ochsner.org/programs/heart_transplant/ |
5. Heart Transplant - University Of Michigan Cardiac Surgery A heart transplant is an operation in which the diseased heart in a person is replaced with a healthy heart from a deceased donor. Ninety percent of heart transplants are http://surgery.med.umich.edu/cardiac/patient/adult/adultcandt/heart_transplant.s |
6. To Transplant And Beyond Heart recipient John Fisher has created this website with information and resources for pre and post heart transplant patients. http://www.heart-transplant.co.uk/ |
7. Heart Transplant Surgery - DoctorFinders.com Heart Transplant Underlying Problem Requiring a Heart Transplant A heart transplant is a lifesaving surgery that is performed when a patient has a severely damaged heart. http://doctorfinders.com/heart-transplant.php |
8. Heart Transplant Information on heart disease and heart transplantation, immunology and how to be a proactive participant in one's health care. http://hearttransplant.com/ |
9. Heart Transplant Answerbag Heart Transplant. Learn about Heart Transplant on Answerbag.com. Get information and videos on Heart Transplant including articles on liver enzymes, stem cell transplant, organ http://www.answerbag.com/heart-transplant |
10. Change Of Heart Transplant Support Group A non-profit, non-denominational organization, yet spiritually led. The group is open to heart transplant recipients, their caregivers, family members, anyone awaiting a heart transplant, any organ donor family. http://www.changeofheartsupport.com |
11. Heart Transplant Information From Answers.com Procedure to remove a diseased heart and replace it with a healthy one from a legally dead donor. The first was performed in 1967 by Christiaan Barnard . The diseased heart is http://www.answers.com/topic/heart-transplant |
12. WakeMed Raleigh, NC - Heart Transplant. Heart Transplantation Is A WakeMed Health Hospitals, Greater Raleigh, Wake County, NC Heart transplant. Heart transplantation is a surgical procedure to remove a damaged or diseased heart and replace it http://www.wakemed.org/12805.cfm |
13. Second Chances Receiving The Gift Of Life Inspirational stories about donor families and liver, kidney, and heart transplant recipients. Detailed medical information about the heart transplant surgery itself and also the process for getting listed for a heart transplant. http://home.fuse.net/secondchances |
14. Heart Transplantation At Columbia University Department Of Surgery Information on heart disease and heart transplantation, immunology and how to be a proactive participant in one s health care. http://www.hearttransplant.com |
15. Heart Transplant MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Heart transplantation is surgery to remove a damaged or diseased heart and replace it with a healthy donor heart. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003003.htm |
16. Heart Transplantation Services - University Of Chicago Medical Center In a total heart transplant, all of the diseased heart is removed, and the full donor heart is implanted at six locations. Our surgeons have found that with a total transplant, the http://www.uchospitals.edu/specialties/heart/services/heart-failure/transplantat |
17. TripleHeart Heart transplant support group and information source. http://www.tripleheart.org |
18. NOVA Online Electric Heart Operation Heart Transplant Operation Heart Transplant or How to Transplant a Heart in Nineteen Easy Steps by Rick Groleau OK, so there's really nothing humorous or easy about heart transplant surgery. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/eheart/transplant.html |
19. The Emory Heart Transplant Program Atlanta, GA Emory Healthcare Telehealth at Emory. Do you live in a rural area but want to consult with an Emory physician in your hometown? Learn more about Telehealth. http://www.emoryhealthcare.org/transplant-heart/index.html |
20. Tampa General Healthcare A level one trauma center in Tampa and the heart transplant center for central Florida. http://www.tgh.org |
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