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21. Heart Transplant - MayoClinic.com Heart transplant — Overview covers risks and results of this potentially lifesaving operation. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heart-transplant/MY00361 |
22. Advanced Heart Failure And Transplant Cardiology Program, Robert Maintaining the delivery of the best patient care possible as a primary focus, the heart transplant team constantly strives to improve patient outcomes. http://www.rwjuh.edu/medical_services/heart_failure_transplant.html |
23. NOVA Online Electric Heart This is the story of a handful of brilliant, obsessed surgeons and researchers who pursued the target of a practical artificial heart for decades. Includes heart facts, an overview of a heart transplant, and artificial heart technology. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/eheart/ |
24. The Straight Story In depth look at heart transplants, from qualifying till after the surgery and going home and life after. Real-life stories and links. http://www.chfpatients.com/tx/transplant.htm |
25. Heart Transplant Heart transplant – Cleveland Clinic is one of the largest heart transplant centers, and is rated as one of the best by U.S. News and World Report. http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/disorders/heartfailure/transplant.aspx |
26. Pediatric Heart Transplant - Children's Healthcare Of Atlanta The Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta pediatric heart transplant team has performed more than 180 heart transplants on children from across the country. http://www.choa.org/default.aspx?id=693 |
27. Heart Surgery Patient Guide Includes an introduction, information on heart transplant, minimally invasive bypass, conventional bypass and heart valve surgery, things you should do and other data such as non-invasive treatment options. http://www.cts.usc.edu/hpg-index.html |
28. Cardiac Procedures And Surgeries Reason for the Procedure. Recognized as a proven procedure to restore heart health in appropriately selected patients. See an illustration of Heart Transplant. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/PreventionTreatmentofHeartA |
29. Riley Hospital For Children Cardiovascular Surgery Specializes in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery and treatment of congenital heart defects, including valve repairs and complete heart transplantation. Profile and credentials of current practicing surgeons. http://www.clarian.org/portal/patients/clinical?clarianContentID=/clinical/cardi |
30. Your Guide To Heart Transplantation Frequently asked questions. Why do I need a heart transplant? References M. Yeatman, J.A. Smith, J.J. Dunning, S.R. Large and J. Wallwork. Cardiovascular Surgery vol 3, No 1 http://www.heart-transplant.org/guide/ |
31. Teachers' Domain OPERATION Heart Transplant Perform a virtual heart transplant in 19 easy steps with this interactive feature from the NOVA Electric Heart Web site. http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/tdc02.sci.life.stru.transplant/ |
32. Lucile Packard Children S Hospital Provides pediatric and obstetrical specialty services including heart, transplantation, cancer and neurological care. Located at Stanford. California http://www.lpch.org/ |
33. Temple University Hospital Information about comprehensive care for heart failure and heart transplant patients as well as the facilities. Delaware. http://www.temple.edu/heartfailure |
34. Heart Transplant A heart transplant is a procedure in which a surgeon removes a diseased heart and replaces it with a donor heart. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/heart-transplant-15646 |
35. Author Susan May Mother of a son who was born with congenital heart disease and received a heart transplant before he turned two has written a book about the experience. Find articles, a reading list and information about transplantation. http://www.susancmay.com |
36. Newsmaker Interview- Artificial Heart An interview by Sean Henahan with heart transplant authority Dr. Mehmet Oz on the state of the art of the artificial heart, including LVADs and the new Abiocor implant. http://www.accessexcellence.org/WN/NM/ozpage1.html |
37. NOVA Online Electric Heart Operation Heart Transplant (sw) Support provided by http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/eheart/transplantwave.html |
38. Heart Failure Transplant At California Pacific Medical Center Programs for end-stage cardiac disease, artificial hearts and heart transplant. http://www.cpmc.org/heart |
39. Heart Transplant, Who Is A Candidate? About Heart Transplantation Who is a Candidate? Who is a Candidate for Cardiac Transplantation? With recent advances in surgical techniques and improved medical management of http://www.hearttransplant.com/candidate.html |
40. Heart Transplant — Treatment Options At Mayo Clinic Heart Transplant Learn about heart transplant programs for amyloid heart disease, primary pulmonary hypertension and more at Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/heart-transplant/ |
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