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81. Hepatitis hepatitis. Author Frank W. Jackson, M.D. Prebiotics in your diet or in a supplement naturally restore digestive balance and health. Learn more . . . http://gicare.com/Diseases/Hepatitis.aspx |
82. A Hepatitis C Primer Resource for anyone wanting to learn more about this virus. Personal experiences and medical abstracts. http://www.hepcprimer.com |
83. Hepatitis B - Vaccine, Virus, Symptoms Treatment hepatitis B at a Glance. A kind of liver infection ; Often has no symptoms ; No cure, but the infection often goes away on its own ; Many states require the hepatitis B vaccine for school http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hepatitis-b-42 |
84. Hepatitis C The Silent Killer Links to medical information, social security, insurance, alternative medications, the authors personal experience and funding. Also a message board. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/rec/hep.html |
85. Hepatitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Of Hepatitis - NY Times Free articles and multimedia from The NY Times, including information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, tests, and surgical procedures, as well as current news and interviews http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/hepatitis/overview.html |
86. HepC Connection A newsletter for people interested in or suffering from hepatitis C. http://www.hepc-connection.org/ |
87. MedlinePlus Hepatitis C Directory of factsheets, articles, and news. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hepatitisc.html |
88. E-Medicine Health Hepatitis C Consumer health resource center providing an overview, the causes, symptoms, and treatment. Includes self-care, medications, support groups, and counseling. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/11365-1.asp |
89. EMedicine Health Current And Future Medications For Hepatitis C Information on the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. Includes a section on drug research. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/articles/44129-1.asp |
90. Be In Charge Free program for newly-diagnosed and those in treatment. Includes 24/7 phone support in 150 languages, hepatitis C basics, newsletter, and educational materials. Sponsored by Schering Corporation. http://www.beincharge.com/ |
91. Hepatitis C Provides information on symptoms, treatment options, reasons to get tested, and a newsletter sign up. From Roche Pharmaceuticals. http://www.health-kiosk.ch/start_hepa.htm |
92. Hepatitis C Council Of SA Diet Lifestyle Explains dietary needs and restrictions for people with this disease. Includes helpful and harmful herbs, alcohol, and caffeine information. http://www.hepccouncilsa.asn.au/factsheets/lifestyle.html |
93. National Hepatitis C Coalition, Inc. Patients and families offering support and information. Includes chat, therapies, stories, event pictures, memorial wall, and general health. http://nationalhepatitis-c.org |
94. Hepatitis C An Epidemic For Anyone Discusses basic facts about viruses, the liver, and HCV. Includes risk assessment test, personal stories, issues, and forum. Sponsored by the C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College. http://www.epidemic.org |
95. Chronic Hepatitis C Current Disease Management An introduction, risk factors and transmission, clinical symptoms and signs, testing, biopsy, diagnosis and treatment are some of the topics discussed. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/chronichepc/ |
96. Hep C Discussion Forum Forum set up by sufferers and post treatment survivors of hepatitis C. Aims to help and support, offer guidance, research and on-line community for all. http://hepcfriends.activeboard.com/ |
97. International Journal Of Medical Sciences A special issue of articles covering aspects of hepatitis C virology, natural history, epidemiology, molecular diagnosis, treatment of chronic HCV infection, co-infection and transplantation. http://www.medsci.org/hepatitisc.html |
98. Hepatitis C University Educates providers about Hep C treatments, information and symptoms by offering lectures, key literature, and mentoring to address HCV in the most challenging patients. Find a core curriculum, facility, educational tools and HCVU fellowship. http://www.hcvu.org/ |
99. Den Danske Hepatitis C-hjemmeside Om hepatitis og andre leversygdomme. Information, r dgivning og f lgesygdomme. http://www.hepatitis.dk/ |
100. HepInfo - Hepatitis In Der Schweiz Umfangreiche Informationen ber Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung der hepatitis C Ben tigt Flash. http://www.hepatitis-info.ch |
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