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Herniated Lumbar Disk: more detail |
21. Lumbar Herniated Disc - Part 1 Of 3 A common cause of low back and leg pain is a bulging or herniated disc in the lumbar area. Symptoms may include dull or sharp pain, leg weakness or tingling, or sciatica?pain that http://www.spineuniverse.com/conditions/herniated-disc/lumbar-herniated-disc |
22. Herniated Lumbar Disk - Shands Healthcare Herniated lumbar disk is a condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of an intervertebral disk (the nucleus pulposus) is forced through a weakened http://shands.org/health/HIE Multimedia/2/9540.htm |
23. Herniated Lumbar Disk back Herniated lumbar disk is a condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of an intervertebral disk (the nucleus pulposus) is forced through a weakened http://www.healthcentral.com/ency/408/imagepages/9540.html |
24. Spinal Surgery - Lumbar Herniated lumbar disk Definition Lumbar spinal surgery is used to correct problems with the spinal http://www.healthcentral.com/ency/408/002973.html |
25. Herniated Disc - What Is A Disc Herniation? A herniated disc is a common back condition that leads to irritation of spinal nerves and can cause back and leg pain. Treatment of back pain caused by a herniated disc may include http://orthopedics.about.com/cs/herniateddisk/a/ruptureddisk.htm |
26. AllRefer Health - Herniated Lumbar Disk (Pictures, Images, Photos Herniated lumbar disk Pictures, Images, Photos, Diagrams, Illustrations. http://health.allrefer.com/pictures-images/herniated-lumbar-disk.html |
27. Section A significant number of patients will respond to a nonoperative treatment program for herniated lumbar disk. The physician should be aware that those patients who have marked http://www.workerscompensation.com/datafeed/stateitem.php?ID=50448&state=wes |
28. What Is Herniated Lumbar Disk? Herniated lumbar disk is a condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of an intervertebral disk (the nucleus pulposus) is forced through a weakened http://www.medhelp.org/medical-information/show/6023/herniated-lumbar-disk |
29. Herniated Lumbar Disk Click Here for Animated Demonstration . of Disk Herniation . Fig. 1 Artists rendering of herniated disk. Fig. 2 CT scan showing herniated dis k http://buffaloneuro.com/lumdisk/hernlum.htm |
30. Herniated Lumbar Disk Treatment LIVESTRONG.COM Herniated Lumbar Disk Treatment. The spine is composed of connected bones called vertebrae, a spinal cord, nerves and disks. The disks are made of strong, flexible connective http://www.livestrong.com/article/19459-herniated-lumbar-disk-treatment/ |
31. Herniated Lumbar Disk Independent Medical Evaluations, Inc. is a national company providing comprehensive medical legal services. Offering a comprehensive range of medical legal services to http://www.imei.com/connections/lumbar.html |
32. Herniated Lumbar Disk Herniated lumbar disk is a condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of an intervertebral disk (the nucleus pulposus) is forced through a weakened http://adam.about.com/encyclopedia/Herniated-lumbar-disk.htm |
33. Spinal Disc Herniation - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A spinal disc herniation (prolapsus disci intervertebralis), informally and misleadingly called a slipped disc , is a medical condition affecting the spine, in which a tear in the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_disc_herniation |
34. Herniated Lumbar Disk Treatment EHow.com Herniated Lumbar Disk Treatment. Over time, pressure on the back gradually leads to wear and tear on the spine, and spinal disks are no different. A herniated lumbar disk can http://www.ehow.com/way_5279499_herniated-lumbar-disk-treatment.html |
35. Alegent; Omaha - Herniated Lumbar Disk. Herniated Lumbar Disk Is A Alegent Health greater Omaha, NE; Council Bluffs, IA - Herniated lumbar disk. Herniated lumbar disk is a condition in which part or all of the soft, gelatinous central portion of http://www.alegent.com/141575.cfm |
36. Herniated Lumbar Disk; Savannah Georgia GA, South Carolina SC Herniated lumbar disk; Savannah Georgia GA, South Carolina SC St. Joseph s/Candler, Savannah Georgia GA, South Carolina SC http://www.sjchs.org/114304.cfm |
37. Herniated Lumbar Disk Herniated lumbar disk, http://www.umm.edu/imagepages/9540.htm |
38. Herniated Lumbar Disk - Symptoms, Treatments And Resources For Herniated lumbar disk MedHelp's Herniated lumbar disk Center for Information, Symptoms, Resources, Treatments and Tools for Herniated lumbar disk. Find Herniated lumbar disk http://www.medhelp.org/tags/show/125473/Herniated-lumbar-disk |
39. Lumbar Disk FAQ - FAQ Lumbar Disc At what point should I consider surgery for a herniated lumbar disk ? Can I get a laser surgery ? If someone has a diskectomy, is there http://www.trejos.com/Trejos/faqHDL.stm |
40. The Herniated Lumbar Disk The Herniated Lumbar Disk Jamie Leaver. Rehabilitation Techniques. ATHT 4960. 4/4/02. Introduction During a lifetime, few individuals escape back pain. http://frank.mtsu.edu/~wwhitehi/atep/496/projects/lumbardisk.html |
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