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61. Lyme Disease Resource Center Message boards and chat, newsletter, disease information, patient experiences and stories, directory of related sites, and books for sale. http://www.healingwell.com/lymedisease/ |
62. Lyme Disease Symptoms Treatment Tick Rash Vaccine Testing Lyme Disease Articles, Information on Symptoms Treatment Tick Rash Vaccine Testing http://www.lyme-disease.biz/ |
63. Arthritis Insight Lyme Disease Information, including statistics, diagnosis, treatment, community center, news, tips and resources. http://www.arthritisinsight.com/medical/disease/lyme.html |
64. Connecticut Tick Control - Fighting Lyme Disease Information regarding tick control and the spread of tick-borne diseases. http://www.nixticks.com/ |
65. Lyme Disease Spirochetes Merck Manual Professional Lyme disease is a ticktransmitted infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Early symptoms include an erythema migrans rash, which may be followed weeks to months later by http://www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch174/ch174d.html |
66. Advanced Topics In Lyme Disease Diagnostic Hints and Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses, Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., M.D., 15th Edition, September 2005. http://www.ilads.org/files/burrascano_0905.pdf |
67. Lyme Disease Warning This site is being maintained for historical purposes, but has had no new entries since October 1998. To find more recent articles, please visit the following http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/p0000380/p0000380.asp |
68. Lyme Disease Information Center Are you looking for answers about lyme disease? Well, you've come to the right place. This is your one stop resource for information about Lyme Disease for everything from http://lymedisease.boomja.com/ |
69. Minnesota Department Of Health Lyme Disease The State of Minnesota presents general information, information for health care providers, photos, and links to other resources. http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/diseases/lyme/ |
70. New Jersey Department Of Health Lyme Disease And Tickborne Disease Basic information, and a fact sheet to download. http://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/f_lyme.htm |
71. Lyme Disease Symptoms And Signs Lyme disease may progress in stages from mild symptoms to serious, longterm disabilities if left untreated. There are three stages of Lyme disease early localized, early http://arthritis.webmd.com/tc/lyme-disease-symptoms |
72. Lyme Disease EMedicine Rheumatology Overview Lyme disease is due to infection with the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and the body's immune response to the infection. In Europe, the rash (then called erythema http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/330178-overview |
73. Lyme Disease - A Monograph And Guide For Washington Physicians Produced by the Washington State Department of Health, the University of Washington Division of Infectious Diseases and the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine. http://www.nwcphp.org/docs/lyme/ |
74. Lyme Disease Penn State Hershey Medical Center provides world class care and services to patients. http://www.hmc.psu.edu/healthinfo/jkl/lymedisease.htm |
75. Lyme Disease Information on this disease, the ticks that carry it, the symptoms, treatment, prevention and control. P. E. Kaufman, P. G. Koehler and J. F. Butler, University of Florida. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG204 |
76. Lyme Disease Symptoms Treatments Lyme disease information including symptoms, treatment options, protecting yourself and knowing what to look for. http://www.hopkins-arthritis.org/arthritis-info/lyme-disease/ |
77. Lymeaid Specifically designed to aid those with Lyme disease. Find information, therapies and supplements for the treatment of this disease and the associated co-infections. Robert M. Myers, ND. http://lymeaid.net/ |
78. Symptoms Of Lyme Disease - Lyme Disease Treatment Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment for lyme disease advice. Learn how to detect lymes disease symptoms. http://lymedisease.medical-topics.com/ |
79. Neurological Complications Of Lyme Disease The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke offers details of diagnosis and treatment. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/lyme/lyme.htm |
80. The Story Of Lyme Disease Article on the history of this disease in the United States from its first recognition in 1975 in the coastal town of Lyme, Connecticut. With references. http://www.natcaplyme.org/images/pdfs/NATCAPoverview.pdf |
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