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81. Lyme Disease Bacterial Infections Merck Manual Home Edition Most people are infected when they go outdoors in wooded areas where the disease is common. http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec17/ch190/ch190m.html |
82. Friends International Support Group Links On Lyme Disease Provides a number of useful links. http://sunshine35446.yuku.com/topic/1974 |
83. Lyme Disease Familydoctor.org Information about lyme disease from the American Academy of Family Physicians. http://familydoctor.org/257.xml |
84. Lyme Disease Risk Assessments (LDRAs) Risk assessments conducted by U.S. Army at various military installations, 1983-1996. http://lymeblog.com/LDRA-USARMY83-96/lyme.htm |
85. Lyme Disease General Information And FAQ Includes information on Ixodes dammini, the deer tick responsible for most cases of the disease, the symptoms in man and animals, the treatment and tick control. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/jake/mosaic/lyme.html |
86. Haverford Wellness Center Lyme Disease Specialist testing and treatment center provides information on the disease and provides details of the services they offer. http://www.haverfordwellness.com |
87. The Lyme Ring Informational resources and homepages of people with Lyme disease. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=lymering&id=47&hub |
88. London Lyme Lites Both an educational and a support site for people affected by Lyme disease and tick-borne infections. Based in London, Ontario, Canada. http://www.freewebs.com/londonlymelites/ |
89. Lyme Disease Support Group Of Alabama Information and links for the southeastern United States. http://juliannesc.tripod.com/lyme.html |
90. Lower Bucks Lyme Disease Support Group Support group in Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA. Includes information about the disease and about meetings. http://www.lowerbuckslymegroup.org/ |
91. Lyme Disease Support Groups Provides details of organizations throughout the United States that have websites. http://www.lymeinfo.net/support.html |
92. Northcoast Lyme Disease Support Group Provides email advice, articles and information for Northern Californians. http://northcoastld.com/ |
93. Truth About Lyme Disease Offers a support forum, resources and patient stories. http://www.truthaboutlymedisease.com/ |
94. Tick Tick Tick, City Paper, Philadelphia Tiny bug, big trouble Why the Lyme disease controversy is tearing the medical community apart. http://www.citypaper.net/articles/070899/feat.cov1.shtml |
95. Public Health Alert PHA is an online newspaper committed to researching and investigating Lyme Disease and other chronic illnesses in the United States. http://www.publichealthalert.org |
96. Germ Warfare, New York Magazine Doctors are clashing (and some are even forfeiting their licenses) over how to treat Lyme disease, the infection that takes a licking but appears to keep on ticking. http://nymag.com/nymetro/health/columns/bodypolitic/2225/ |
97. Lyme Disease Network Offers a forum, a list of support groups, on-line library, legal resources, medical abstracts, a newsletter and links. Also information about the organization. http://www.lymenet.org/ |
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