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61. Mitochondrial Myopathies Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Information on Mitochondrial myopathies, including diagnosis, research and treatments http://www.muscular-dystrophy.org/about_muscular_dystrophy/conditions/117_mitoch |
62. Toxic Myopathies Amphiphilic Drug myopathies. General features Drugs with hydrophobic moiety and hydrophilic region containing amine group Often produce multisystem disorders Especially http://neuromuscular.wustl.edu/mother/myotox.htm |
63. Myositis Association Of America (MAA) A non-profit organization committed to helping people with inflammatory myopathies through a variety of information and support services. http://www.myositis.org/ |
64. Nemaline Myopathy Information and contacts regarding Nemaline Myopathy http://www.davidmcd.freeuk.com/ |
65. Myopathie M Tabolique Un article de l encyclop die libre en ligne Wikip dia. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myopathie_métabolique |
66. Myopathie De Duchenne Doctissimo pr sente son dossier statistiques, d pistage, traitements. http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/dossiers/myopathie-de-duchenne/myopathie-duchenne. |
67. Myopathie Mitochondriale Le catalogue et index de sites m dicaux francophones (CISMeF) du CHU de Rouen propose de ressources consacr es cette maladie. http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/pathol/myopathiemitochondriale.html |
68. Wikip Dia Myopathie Un article de l encyclop die libre en ligne. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myopathie |
69. La Myopathie De Duchenne Caducee.net dossier sur cette affection avec pid miologie, mode de transmission, diagnostic et traitement. http://www.caducee.net/DossierSpecialises/genetique/myopathie-duchenne.asp |
70. Myopathie De Duchenne Un article de l encyclop die libre en ligne Wikip dia. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myopathie_de_Duchenne |
71. Myopathie Mitochondriale Aide au diagnostic m dical propos de la Facult de m decine de l universit de Rennes 1. http://www.med.univ-rennes1.fr/cgi-bin/adm/reponse?prg=1&cod=M08151 |
72. Les Maladies Musculaires Article de I. P nisson-Besnier de la facult de m decine de l Universit d Angers. France. http://www.med.univ-angers.fr/cours/neuroD3/MYOPATHI.htm |
73. Centronuclear Myotubular Myopathy British information point for sufferers and their families of these disorders and associated muscle abnormalities. http://tonilouise.tripod.com |
74. Familial Desminopathy Desmin related myopathy is a disorder characterized by accumulation of desmin in the muscle cells. It can be dominantly inherited or occur spontaneously, its effects can range from mild to severe. http://www.desminopathy.plus.com |
75. Myotubular Myopathy Resource Group Information and support for parents and medical professionals about x-linked, autosomal recessive, and autosomal dominant forms of MTM. Includes a web-based discussion group, newsletter, FAQs, articles, tips, current research, and family stories. http://www.mtmrg.org/ |
76. NINDS Inclusion Body Myositis Also known as inflammatory myopathy, an information sheet compiled by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/inclusion_body_myositis/inclusion_body_myosit |
77. Myopathie De Duchenne Le catalogue et index de sites m dicaux francophones (CISMeF) du CHU de Rouen propose de ressources consacr es cette maladie. http://www.chu-rouen.fr/ssf/pathol/myopathiededuchenne.html |
78. Pour La Vie L association but non lucratif cr e par Pascal Laurie, dont le fils est atteint de la myopathie, et sa soeur V ronique. Lunel-Viel, H rault (34), France. http://www.pourlavie.org/ |
79. Myopathie De Duchenne Le G Ne D Fectueux Peut Tre R Par Science.gouv.fr propose ce Article sur le r sultats des chercheurs de la Facult de m decine de l Universit Laval qui viennent de d montrer qu il est possible de r parer le g ne d fectueux qui cause la dystrophie. http://www.science.gouv.fr/fr/actualites/bdd/res/3593/myopathie-de-duchenne-le-g |
80. Rhabdomyolysis Information about the medical condition rhabdomyolysis, complete with tables, pictures, and diagrams. http://members.tripod.com/~baggas/rhabdo.html |
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