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1. Problem Gambling - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia According to DSMIV, Pathological gambling is now defined as separate from a manic episode. Only when the gambling occurs independent of other impulsive, mood, or thought disorders http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathological_gambling |
2. Pathological Gambling The diagnostic criteria Pathological Gambling. Pathological Gambling is persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior that disrupts personal, family, or http://www.psychnet-uk.com/dsm_iv/pathological_gambling.htm |
3. Pathological Gambling - Psychology Wiki Problem gambling is an urge to gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a desire to stop. The term is preferred to compulsive gambling among many professionals, as few http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Pathological_gambling |
4. Pathological Gambling Overview - References, Advice, News, Videos Learn more about Pathological Gambling. Find the Web's best health guides, medical reports, news, videos and tools for Pathological Gambling. Share Pathological Gambling http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Pathological_gambling |
5. Pathological Gambling (1999) Includes a report on pathological gambling by the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309065712/html/ |
6. Pathological Gambling - Northwestern Memorial Hospital - Chicago Definition. Pathological gambling is being unable to resist impulses to gamble, which can lead to severe personal or social consequences. http://www.nmh.org/nm/1-001520 |
7. Pathological Gambling MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Pathological gambling is being unable to resist impulses to gamble, which can lead to severe personal or social consequences. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001520.htm |
8. Pathological Gambling - BJC HealthCare People who gamble frequently have the attitude that money causes and is also the solution to all their problems. Gambling is considered pathological when the impulse to gamble http://www.bjc.org/?id=2112 |
9. Wannabet.org Contains an on-line magazine for kids concerned about the dangers of gambling addiction. http://wannabet.org/ |
10. Pathological Gambling Symptoms General symptoms of pathological gambling. Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling, may be a type of impulsecontrol disorder. http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx62.htm |
11. Pathological Gambling, Health Information, UW Health, University Pathological gambling Definition . Pathological gambling is being unable to resist impulses to gamble, which can lead to severe personal or social consequences. http://apps.uwhealth.org/health/hie/1/001520.htm |
12. National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling Contains an information library for gambling facts. http://www.ncalg.org/ |
13. Pathological Gambling - Adventist HealthCare Pathological gambling Definition Pathological gambling is being unable to resist impulses to gamble, which can lead to severe personal or social consequences. http://www.adventisthealthcare.com/adam/Health Illustrated Encyclopedia/1/001520 |
14. Responsible Gambling Council (Ontario) Contains information about an organization dedicated to responsible gambling awareness. http://www.responsiblegambling.org/ |
15. Development Of Pathological Gambling Pathological gamblers may have a predisposition to developing a gambling problem due to family history and genetics. The personality trait of impulsivity plays a major role in http://www.personalityresearch.org/papers/sinha.html |
16. Investigation Of Naltrexone For Pathological Gambling - Full Text Sponsor Yale University Collaborator National Center for Responsible Gaming Information provided by Yale University ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01057862 |
17. Chance To Change Offers a Christ-centered gambling addiction recovery program, produced for churches. http://www.chancetochange.org/ |
18. Pathological Gambling A Critical Review Authors Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of Pathological Gambling, National Research Council Authoring Organizations http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6329.html |
19. Behavioral Health Advisor 2003.1 Pathological Gambling What is pathological gambling? Pathological gambling is an addiction to the excitement and risk created by gambling, even though it causes personal, social, family, work, or http://www.thedacare.org/crs/bha/bha_gambling_bha.htm |
20. Want To Stop Gambling? Offers a free self-help guide developed by a problem gambler. http://www.wanttostopgambling.com/ |
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