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41. Persistent Vegetative State The Life Resources Charitable Trust The term 'persistent vegetative state' was first used in 1972 and came into common usage in the 80's. PVS is not a simple diagnosis and is disputed by some medical professionals. http://www.life.org.nz/euthanasia/euthanasiamedicalkeyissues/pvs/ |
42. Coma And Persistent Vegetative State A traumatic brain injury resource guide with over 1,500 pages of material on brain injury, concussion, rehabilitation, longterm assisted living, research, pharmocology, support http://www.neuroskills.com/tbi/coma.shtml |
43. Coma And Persistent Vegetative State An Exploration Of Terms American Hospice Foundation. Our Mission To improve access to quality hospice care through public education, professional training, and advocacy on behalf of consumers. http://www.americanhospice.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id |
44. NeuroLogica Blog Persistent Vegetative State – From Schiavo Last week I wrote an entry about the Terri Schiavo case, discussing a new published study criticizing the news reporting of this controversial case. http://theness.com/neurologicablog/?p=357 |
45. Persistent Vegetative State — Infoplease.com More on persistent vegetative state from Infoplease artificial life support artificial life support artificial life support, systems that use medical technology to aid, http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0933117.html |
46. Alex Keegan - Persistent Vegetative State For ages, people had considered life to exist as long as an individual was breathing. It was later realised that respiration was a means of maintaining the heart which circulated http://www.book.co.nz/keegie.htm |
47. Persistent Vegetative State Definition Of Persistent Vegetative persistent vegetative state see under coma coma, in medicine, deep state of unconsciousness from which a person cannot be aroused even by painful stimuli. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/persistent vegetative state |
48. What Is A Coma (comatose)? What Is A Persistent Vegetative State? A coma , or comatose is a deep state of unconsciousness longer-term comatose patients may be reclassified as being in a permanent vegetative state . The patient http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/173655.php |
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