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61. Knepper, Diana-Lucia Figurative works and landscapes inspired by dreams, premonitions, and phobias. Photographs too by this Germany-based artist. http://Katinna.artists.de |
62. Sounds Scary A range of CDs for treating phobias of fireworks, thunder and other noises. http://www.soundsscary.com/ |
63. Triumph Over Phobia UK charity which aims to help sufferers of phobia or obsessive compulsive disorder to become ex-sufferers. Features a discussion board and general information. http://www.triumphoverphobia.com/ |
64. Phobia - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A phobia (from the Greek φόβος, ph bos, meaning fear or morbid fear ) is an irrational, intense and persistent fear of certain situations, activities, things, animals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobia |
65. Panphobia Dedicated to exploring fear and phobia, aiming to celebrate the fears we love, and to expel those that plague our lives. http://www.panphobia.com |
66. Whatfear Dentist gives advice on ways to tackle dental phobia, including hypnosis. http://www.whatfear.com/ |
67. Needlephobia Sponsored by Ametop Gel, a topical anaesthetic from Smith and Nephew provides information on Needlephobia, the fear of needles, and outlines potential solutions. http://www.needlephobia.co.uk/ |
68. I Hate Butterflies Community for people that fear butterflies and moths (Mottephobia or Lepidopterophobia). http://www.ihatebutterflies.com |
69. What Is Agoraphobia A short description of Agoraphobia http://pages.infinit.net/drnayman/agorapho.htm |
70. Agoraphobia Resource Center Offers information by way of articles, FAQs, message board, and research reports. http://www.agoraphobia.ws/ |
71. Emetophobia - Frequently Asked Questions About Vomiting Lots of helpful information about vomiting and ways to prevent it. http://emetophobia.bravepages.com |
72. Dental Fear Central Information and advice for both sufferers and professionals. Features tips on how to find a sympathetic dentist, and suggestions for overcoming common fears. http://www.dentalfearcentral.org/ |
73. Social Anxiety Phobia Professional help to overcome and/or learn ways to better manage their disorder. http://www.socialanxiety-phobia.com |
74. Specific Phobia s (both American and European), diagnosis, treatments, research, booklets, magazine articles and internet links to anxiety disorders sites....... http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis/p20-an04.html |
75. Social Phobia Statements Personal statements that started one person s journey to recovery. http://members.tripod.com/~SocialPhobia/SocialPhobia1.html |
76. Social Phobia Phunnies Features cartoons and cartoon strips. http://www.angelfire.com/comics/sp-phunnies/ |
77. Claustrophobia Means Fear Of Enclosed Spaces. Symptoms, avoidance, treatment options and support. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Claustrophobia_me |
78. LearningMethods Library - Conquering The Fear Of Heights Eillen Sellam describes the simple process that liberated her from the fear of heights and other fears. http://www.learningmethods.com/heights.htm |
79. Internet Mental Health - Agoraphobia American and European descriptions of this condition; information about diagnosis, treatment, and research; and booklets and magazine articles. http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis/p20-an02.html |
80. ENcourage Connection Dedicated to providing quality information, inspiration and ideas for those working toward recovery from excessive anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. Includes Anxiety/Panic message board, basic information, special tips, list of resources and links, and is the Internet Home of ENcourage Newsletter. http://www.encourageconnection.com/ |
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