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Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome: more detail | |||||
21. National Library Of Medicine Multiple Pterygium Syndrome Includes the synonyms, a summary and the major features. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/jablonski/syndromes/syndrome471.html |
22. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome - Genetics Home Reference Popliteal pterygium syndrome is a condition that affects the development of the face, skin, and genitals. Most people with this disorder are born with a cleft lip, a cleft palate http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition=poplitealpterygiumsyndrome |
23. Pterygium Information - Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome, Pterygium What is Pterygium ? Pterygium may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait or it may be associated with other syndromes. Pterygium is the inward advance of skin over the http://www.cosmeticsdiary.com/pterygium.htm |
24. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Definition - Medical Dictionary Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=5001 |
25. Popliteal Information Related To Anatomical Structures Located What Is Popliteal Pterygium syndrome? Popliteal Pterygium syndrome is a condition that can affect the development of the skin, face, and genitals. http://popliteal.net/ |
26. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Popliteal pterygium syndrome An inherited condition with a web behind the knee. (A pterygium is a winglike triangular membrane). http://health-search.closerlooksearch.com/health-topics/P/popliteal-pterygium-sy |
27. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome. [J Med Genet. 1990] - PubMed Result PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 19 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2352260 |
28. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Articles - Owl Currently, no knowledge or information has been posted on this topic. Why not share some of your expertise in this area for others to enjoy? To learn more about sharing your http://www.owl.com/category/skin-conditions-popliteal-pterygium-syndrome/ |
29. MR Imaging Of Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome In Pediatric Patients MR Imaging of Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome in Pediatric Patients Lane F. Donnelly 1, Kathleen H. Emery 1 and Twee T. Do 2. 1 Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital http://www.ajronline.org/cgi/content/full/178/5/1281 |
30. GeneDx Tests Van Der Woude Syndrome, Popliteal Pterygium 301519-2100 • FAX 301-519-2892 • 207 PERRY PARKWAY Van der Woude Syndrome, Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome http://www.genedx.com/services/dis_vws.php onclick=sa_mpTC(event, this); return |
31. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Cleft lip/palate, paramedian mucous cysts of the lower lip, popliteal pterygium, digital and genital anomalies http://www.gfmer.ch/genetic_diseases_v2/gendis_detail_list.php?cat3=471 |
32. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Mahalik SK, Menon P - J Indian Assoc J Indian Assoc Pediatr Sur, Official journal of the Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons http://www.jiaps.com/text.asp?2010/15/3/110/71747 |
33. I Have A Son With Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome Group With Do You Have A Son With Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome? Join friendly people sharing true stories in the I Have A Son With Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome group. Find forums, advice http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Have-A-Son-With-Popliteal-Pterygium-Synd |
34. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome ICIB Online Library, 1985 ACPOC The association of popliteal pterygia, genitourinary anomalies and craniofacial malformations was first described in 1869. Since then 30 cases have been reported, and Gorlin and http://www.acpoc.org/library/1985_03_041a.asp |
35. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome - Definition Of Popliteal Pterygium popliteal pterygium syndrome. 1 also called popliteal web syndrome. a congenital syndrome consisting chiefly of popliteal webs, cleft palate, lower lip pits, and dysplasia of http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/popliteal pterygium syndrome |
36. POPLITEAL PTERYGIUM SYNDROME; PPS - OMIM OMIM, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, a database of human genes and genetic disorders developed by staff at Johns Hopkins and hosted on the Web by NCBI. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/omim/119500 |
37. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome - Information / Diagnosis Health cyclopedia Quotable The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day Michael Miller MD http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/genetic-disorders/popliteal-pterygium-syndrome.h |
38. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome MakingContact.org MakingContact.org lets you safely and easily get in touch with others who are affected by the same or similar disabilities, medical conditions or special needs as you are. http://www.makingcontact.org/index.php?ci=1314 |
39. POPLITEAL PTERYGIUM SYNDROME A Syndrome Comprising Cleft Lip POPLITEAL PTERYGIUM SYNDROME A Syndrome Comprising Cleft LipPalate, Popliteal and Intercrural Pterygia, Digital and Genital Anomalies Robert J. Gorlin D.D.S., M.S. 1, Heddie O http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/41/2/503 |
40. Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome - What Does PPS Stand For? Acronyms Acronym Definition; PPS PowerPoint Show (file extension) PPS Pulses Per Second PPS Post Post Script (an additional postscript) PPS Prospective Payment System http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Popliteal pterygium syndrome |
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