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Portal-systemic Encephalopathy: more detail |
41. Hepatic Encephalopathy – UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Hepatic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy, Hepatic; PortalSystemic Encephalopathy; Encephalopathy, Portal-Systemic) Pronounced MET-a-bol-ik En-SEF-a-lo-PATH-ee http://www.upmc.com/healthAtoZ/Pages/HealthLibrary.aspx?chunkiid=96854 |
42. Liver-brain Relations In Alcoholics - Special Focus Alcohol And PORTAL SYSTEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY. Portal systemic encephalopathy (PSE), the most common form of hepatic encephalopathy, is a cerebral complication of cirrhosis that causes disruption http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0847/is_n2_v14/ai_9858955/ |
43. Boildown ED'S PATHOLOGY MELTDOWN Part II Systemic Pathology This is the second half of my highyield facts for pathology exam http://www.pathguy.com/boildown.txt |
44. L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate In Experimental Portal-Systemic LOrnithine-L-Aspartate in Experimental Portal-Systemic Encephalopathy Therapeutic Efficacy and Mechanism of Action http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/mebr/1998/00000013/00000002/00409428 |
45. Portosystemic Encephalopathy - Definition Of Portosystemic myoclonic encephalopathy of childhood portalsystemic encephalopathy prion spongiform spongiform encephalopathy subacute spongiform encephalopathy http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/portosystemic encephalopathy |
46. Tufts Medical Center - Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy, Hepatic; PortalSystemic Encephalopathy; Encephalopathy, Portal-Systemic) http://www.tufts-nemc.org/apps/HealthGate/Article.aspx?chunkiid=96854 |
47. What Is Enulose Syrup Used For? EHow.com Portalsystemic encephalopathy is a condition that arises due to cirrhosis of the liver. The conditions is marked by a buildup of harmful toxins in your body that your liver is http://www.ehow.com/facts_5561803_enulose-syrup-used.html |
48. Hepatic Encephalopathy Definition From Answers.com Comparison of lactulose and neomycin in the treatment of chronic portalsystemic encephalopathy. A double blind controlled trial . Gastroenterology 72 (4 Pt 1) 573–83. http://www.answers.com/topic/hepatic-encephalopathy |
49. Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatic Encephalopathy (Encephalopathy, Hepatic; PortalSystemic Encephalopathy; Encephalopathy, Portal-Systemic) Pronounced MET-a-bol-ik En-SEF-a-lo-PATH-ee http://www.halifaxhealth.org/HealthInformation/Content.aspx?chunkiid=96854 |
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