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41. Self-Injury For Patients. Securely connects you to portions of your medical record My Chart; Online second opinions from top specialists My Consult; Schedule and pay your medical bills at your http://my.clevelandclinic.org/disorders/Self-Injury/hic_Self-Injury.aspx |
42. Allen, Flatt, Ballidis And Leslie - Southern California Injury Law Blog Commentary on personal injury and estate planning matters. http://www.californiainjurylawyerblog.com |
43. S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES Store Selfinjury is known by many names, including self-abuse, self-mutilation, deliberate self-harm, parasuicidal behavior, and non-suicidal self-injury. http://store.selfinjury.com/ |
44. Abelson Law Firm - Maryland / DC Injury Law Blog Commentary on injury law news, cases and issues. http://www.attorneysforpeople.com |
45. Self Injury Menstuff has compiled the following information on Self Injury. Survey 17% at Cornell and Princeton purposely cut themselves. March 1 is Selfinjury Awareness Day http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/selfinjury.html |
46. Ward And Caggiano, PA. - Orlando Injury Lawyer Blog Commentary on personal injury and product liability issues. http://www.orlandoinjurylawyerblog.com |
47. Lysamena Project On Self-Injury Information About Self-Injury Information about SelfInjury What is self-injury? There are a number of definitions, but I like Tracy Alderman's, which states that self-injury includes acts that are http://www.self-injury.org/siinfo.html |
48. Bisnar And Chase - California Injury Blog Commentary on personal injury and class action litigation. http://www.californiainjuryblog.com |
49. Self-Injury Providing education, clinical care, research, and health care information for adolescent girls and young women http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/si.html |
50. Miller And Zois - Maryland Injury Lawyer Blog Coverage of personal injury news and developments. http://www.marylandinjurylawyerblog.com/index.xml |
51. National Self-Injury Awareness Day Approximately 1% of the United States population uses physical selfinjury as a way of dealing with overwhelming feelings or situations, often using it to speak when no words http://selfinjury.org/nsiad/ |
52. Robin Frazer Clark - Atlanta Injury Lawyer Blog Discussion of personal injury cases and issues. http://www.atlantainjurylawyerblog.com |
53. Self Injury Guidance Healing - Tribe.net Welcome to S.I.G.H. Self injury is any deliberate, non suicidal behaviour that inflicts physical harm on your body and is aimed at relieving emotional http://selfinjury.tribe.net/ |
54. Norman Gregory Fernandez - California Personal Injury Law Blog Updates on personal injury law issues. http://www.calinjuryblog.com |
55. Self-Injury - Why Do I Keep Cutting Myself? SelfInjury - Why Do I Keep Cutting Myself? “I Keep Cutting Myself and I Can't Stop!” What Is Self-Injury or Self-Mutilation? http://www.essortment.com/articles/self-injury_100006.htm |
56. Center For Injury Research And Control Conducts injury control research, gathers and disseminates information on injuries, provides training for health care professionals, and informs the public and community leaders on injury control measures. Part of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. http://www.circl.pitt.edu |
57. Self-Injury Contrary to popular belief, selfinjury often has more to do with survival than with suicide. http://depression.about.com/od/selfinjury/SelfInjury.htm |
58. Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center Explains basic anatomy, physiology, and the complications resulting from a spinal cord injury, with sections on recent research news, tips on finding a rehabilitation center, and a chat room. http://www.spinalinjury.net/ |
59. Self-Injury SelfInjury (self-mutilation) is not always part of suicidal thinking. Read about this problem that is fairly common amoung adolescents. http://mentalhealth.about.com/cs/familyresources/a/selfinjury.htm |
60. TBI And SCI Projects Home page for the federally-funded spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury model system projects. http://www.tbi-sci.org/ |
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