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61. Self-injury Why And What Why SelfInjure When it isn't Self-Injurous Behaviour When it's Gone too Far The Ways in Which we Self-Injure The Ways in Which the Average Person Self-Injures http://www.angelfire.com/or/kharreshome/page3.html |
62. National Spinal Cord Injury Association Helping individuals and families with spinal cord injury issues to make informed choices and take actions to achieve their highest level of independence and personal fulfillment. http://www.spinalcord.org/ |
63. Safe Haven Helpful posts related to selfinjury, information on self-injury. Supposed to be discussion-oriented, not about your personal issues with self-injury, that goes in the Self-Injury http://gabrielle.self-injury.net/index.php |
64. About.com - Back And Neck Injury Information, links, and a chat room, on the subjects of back and neck injury. http://backandneck.about.com/ |
65. Self-injury - Includipedia, The Inclusionist Encyclopaedia Selfinjury (SI) or self-harm (SH) is deliberate injury inflicted by a person upon his or her own body without suicidal intent. Some scholars use more technical definitions http://www.includipedia.com/wiki/Self-injury |
66. Foundation For Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Informational and support resource for survivors, family members, and all whose lives and experiences are affected by spinal cord injury. http://fscip.org |
67. All Self-Injury Cities - Self-Injury Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about SelfInjury http://self-injury.meetup.com/cities/all/ |
68. Spinal Cord Injury Network The non-profit, Washington DC/Mid-Atlantic chapter of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association. http://www.spinalcordinjury.net |
69. Self-Injury Articles Excerpts SelfInjury 15 Articles Excerpts. The Darkness Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light A Memoir of Cutting, Healing, and Hope by Vanessa Leigh Vega, M.S. http://www.enotalone.com/686-1.html |
70. Dangerwood - Surviving Paralysis Provides victims of spinal cord injury, paralysis, and quadriplegics with information for surviving spinal cord injury. http://www.survivingparalysis.com |
71. Self Injury A selfhelp leaflet written by the University of Cambridge Counselling Service, with university students in mind http://www.counselling.cam.ac.uk/selfharm.html |
72. Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center Advice, resources, and assistance for people with spinal cord injuries and their families. Describes major causes of SCI and common therapies. http://www.sci-recovery.org/ |
73. Self-injury.net Support Community For Self-injurers My name is Gabrielle and I am twentysix years old. I hurt myself for nearly nine years. This website was made to let self-injurers know that they are not alone and to help their http://self-injury.mobi/?destination=node/20321 |
74. Sexuality And Spinal Cord Injury Provides a basic review of what is known about sexual functioning after spinal cord injury and the impact on patients. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/AmericanRehab/spring97/sp9707.html |
75. Self Injury Homepage - HealthyPlace Detailed information about SelfInjury, Self-Harm, Self-Abuse including why people self-injure, warning signs of self-harm, treatment for self-injury and information for parents. http://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/self-injury/self-injury-homepage/menu-id-65/ |
76. Spinal Research - A Cure For Paralysis From Spinal Cord Injury The International Spinal Research Trust leads the way in finding a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury. http://www.spinal-research.org/ |
77. About Self-Injury - Cornell Research Program On Self-Injurious What do we know about selfinjury? What is self-injury? Sometimes called deliberate self-harm, self-injury, self-mutilation, cutting, or non-suicidal self-injury http://www.crpsib.com/whatissi.asp |
78. Pressing On, A Spinal Cord Injury Research And Recovery Center Located in San Antonio, TX and dedicated to improving the lives of those who have sustained paralysis from a spinal cord injury. Find details about the facility, staff and the program. http://www.pressingontx.com |
79. Psyke.org - Self Injury Articles, discussion boards, personal stories, pictures, coping tips and poetry dealing with selfinjury and suicide. Bookstore with selected books on self-injury. http://www.psyke.org/articles/en/selfinjury/ |
80. Peter Tan S Spinal Cord Injury Picking Up The Pieces A personal story of a tetraplegic. Topics include the story of his injury, bladder and bowel management, and personal reflections. http://sci.petertan.com |
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